Time to fix all those issues you had with some game in a shiny new remake of it. Or to get a game that casts you as something other than a trainer for once—Professor? Evil team grunt? Another Mystery Dungeon where you are a Pokémon? To play with the Pokémon world and make it darker or cross over with another series, or just have the vanilla world in a different game genre.
One of my favourite pokemon experiences is playing through Red/Blue (or G/S/C or later) on an emulator and using gameshark codes to catch a pokemon you really like on route 1 and effectively using that as your starter. It’s quite fresh to play through from start to finish with a pokemon that isn’t a traditional starter. If they did some kind of new game+ feature where you could choose your starter from among the game’s entire dex, that would be pretty neat.
Also, a pokemon conquest sequel/remake because that game was amazing.
“It’s just you and me now, Abra!”
[ 5 minutes later]