Take out the fascists but Cletus Got Shot has a few antifascist bangers.
I literally just came here about to post looking for these recommendations. Haven’t listened to a lot of punk in my life, my Nazi-punching playlist only has DK and RatM. Thank you so much.
Leftover Crack.
Sorry i meant to reply to OP.
ZSK is my favorite right now, bit German language. This playlist is largely English (US/UK punk) but the best one I found on Spotify to share.
I block everything spotify, so I have no idea what’s on the playlist. From the comments, it seems like punk. Does it have to be punk?
This stuff is more anti-fascist/anti-authoritarian rather than specifically anti-Nazi. Practically same difference if you ask me.
- Protest the Hero - A Life Embossed
- Most of their stuff is related to the band name
- Rage Against the Machine
- Self explanatory, I don’t think you need any links
- The Ocean - Metaphysics of the Hangman
- System of a Down - F**k the System
- Obviously practically everything they’ve down speaks out against the system. Too bad their drummer became a Trumper, though…
- TOOL - Opiate^2
Hip Hop:
- N.W.A. - Fuck the Police
- Anderson.Paak - 6 Summers
- Run the Jewels - Close Your Eyes (and Count to Fuck)
- Killer Mike is a huge proponent for killing your masters in all his music
- Immortal Technique - 4th Branch
- Practically everything he’s done is very anti-motherfuckers
- Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us
- It’s a diss track against Drake, but it covers more than just him IMO. Also, the album “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers” is mostly anti-motherfuckers.
- Protest the Hero - A Life Embossed
Perhaps American Idiot by Green Day
Leftover Crack.
You may be interested in https://lemmy.world/c/leftymusic and also fuck spotify.
may not count but rem’s ignoreland might fit in with other stuff.
would voice of memphis by negro terror count? they covered skrewdriver and made it their own
MANIC STREET PREACHERS - If you tolerare this…
Master Race (in Outer Space) - The Vandals
Marching the Hate Machines Into the Sun - Thievery CorporationFUCK A PROUD BOY (and not the fun way) https://open.spotify.com/track/5qQ79s8gMS3PrCVYdRrZaP
I love this song.
1933 by Frank Turner
As an militantly anti racist skinhead, I’m happy to see some of the anti nazi punk and oi on this list.
I’ll have to give some more suggestions when I’m not fighting to keep my eyes open.
Run the Jewels - Legend Has It
Oi Olloi - Bash the Fash
Oi Olloi - Let the Boots Do The Talking