Meet the New Boss
Have they tried courting MORE Republicans who LITERALLY will only Vote Republican or not Vote at all while ALIENATING their Current base? I THINK that would be a WINNING strategy!
Have they tried yelling BLUE NO MATTER WHO or saying NOTHING WILL FUNDAEMNTALLY CHANGE if they’re elected? I’m led to believe that voters love that!
“Better dead than red” is what I heard a lot growing up. I know they meant communist, but I don’t have to mean that
Ideas for the next Dem campaign:
- Shoot guns in the air yosemite sam style.
- More republicans on stage and in the audience. How about just everyone there is republican.
- No more nowhites on camera.
- Triple down on the messaging that this candidate is not trump.
- Lets get handlers sitting to the side from AIPAC and big business to nod yes or no to the messaging in real time.
- Lets reach out to Putin as well.
- Talk more about “red lines” in congress, etc.
- Bigger flag pins on clothing. Maybe flag capes.
- We need more rhetorical “slamming”. It needs to be at least 3 times larger.
- explicitely tell progressives they are not welcome to attend.
Politico’s Lisa Kashinsky noted that Lau’s appointment was a sign that the party is “taking a stay-the-course approach to staffing despite the party’s losses in November.…
Politico is not an honest participant in any political conversation anymore. Lamenting that a Warren staffer from 2020 is a long-time insider only serves to rile up people who are already predisposed to “corporate Democrats” bullshit.
I don’t disagree, but it is concerning that they’re not doing big, loud, progressive events. Bernie’s doing it. He’s just one guy. They’ve got some momentum as a result of the horrifying vacuum that they lost to, but there’s a long tradition of them failing to take away the key points.
I feel like the early Harris campaign had it, and then it was removed.
I agree with that… sort of. They also need to do loud centrist events. Because rags like Politico will 100% run articles saying, “Democrats double down on leftist policies that cost them the 2024 election” without a moment of hesitation.
We know that the far right media gets its talking points from Russia. After watching their disingenuous takes and “anonymous insider” bullshit (e.g., Biden only running for one term was a Politico rumor) I’m convinced Politico is also intentionally sending misleading information into the public conversation.
big, loud,
That’s a circus. You’re wanting a circus.
Or did you want a calm and orderly progress and planning report from people we pick to manage hundreds of billions in shared resources that we’ve entrusted in them and asked them to distribute as per our wishes?
I promise, one group looks better on TV and the other looks better on the planet.
big, loud,
That’s a circus. You’re wanting a circus.
No? Unless you’re calling a warship firing its guns a circus. In which case, yeah.
Lamenting that a Warren staffer from 2020 is a long-time insider only serves to rile up people who are already predisposed to “corporate Democrats” bullshit.
Lau’s been active since the Kerry Campaign in 2004. He consulted for the Clintons in 2008 and went on to work in the Commerce Department, under Obama, from '09 to '11 when he jumped ship to join the Warren senate campaign where he served as political director until 2017.
I might criticize the article for its rather bleak and hostile opener, re:
The Democratic National Committee has decided to double down on the same losing strategies that lost it the last election.
But this last bit
It seems clear that it’s chosen the former, as centrists gather behind closed doors to blame identity politics for their loss and the party picks (form spook and defense sector flak) Senator Elissa Slotkin to respond to Trump’s joint congressional address on Tuesday.
cuts clean to the bone. The Dems as a party seem intent on jettisoning any vestiges of social liberalism or socialist economic policy and going all in on “Putin Presidency!” as a rejoinder to a very American brand of tech-libertarianism being used to dismantle the administrative state.
Its the same empty-suited GI Jane Girl Boss crap that gave us the failed campaign of Amy McGrath and the liberal fixation with Liz Cheney. Liberals seem ready to run a lady-version of Ron DeSantis if they can find anyone willing.
What part of Warren staffer suggests a pullback from the left?
That “cut” is based on the false premise established from the outset. Your timeline shows a person moving farther and farther away from centrism over time, yet, Politico is acting like they just elected James Carville.
What part of Warren staffer suggests a pullback from the left?
Warren’s running on Kennedy liberalism from the 1960s. She’s not a leftist in any material sense, she’s just found a brand of popularism that plays well with New Deal romanticizing Democrats. But she’s utterly tame, more than willing to compromise with her conservative peers, and only ever in favor of the managed social decline we’ve been ingesting since Carter.
Your timeline shows a person moving farther and farther away from centrism over time
If you look at what Warren’s campaign supports, its right in line with what Americans have broadly endorsed for decades. What Warren lacks is a large corporate media establishment to operate as her hype machine. She’s on the outskirts not because she’s left-wing radical, she’s just a D-list celebrity because can’t get regularly booked on Joe Rogan or The View.
What gave her campaign relevancy was largely her popular views when pitched against a string of corporate hacks with (D)s pinned to their lapels. But we’re still in a capitalist nation, swimming in an ideology that favors private businesses and “natural” wages and hyper-individualism. Her centrist views (and the views of her staff) won’t significantly change the strategy of the party, because they’ll keep compromising away more radical ideas to placate mega-donors and corporate-owned media propagandists.
She wouldn’t run against Clinton in 2016 or align herself with Bernie in 2020. She doesn’t risk upsetting the AIPAC lobby or the O&G Industry in the Senate. She couldn’t even be bothered to vote against Marco Rubio for State Sec. Who was guiding this behavior if not her Political Director?
Politico is acting like they just elected James Carville.
Carville also knew how to run a progressive-sounding campaign that nevertheless kowtowed to Big Business at every opportunity.
Warren called Gaza a genocide before Bernie did. And publicly criticized Biden’s policies and was party of the group that tried to ban further weapons. “Doesn’t risk upsetting AIPAC.” FFS.
At some point you guys need to accept that there are other progressive politicians rather than just making up a straw man attack that doesn’t align with really. This is just a clown level political fantasy.
To be fair, 2020 feels like a lifetime ago.
You mean 0 BT. (it’s currently 5 AT)
The Dems are so cooked, this is sad. They just refuse to learn (because they’ve already made their millions as corporate stooges.)
We need a new leftist party, it’s the only way out of this mess.
They have ran on “we’re not
insert fascist here
!” since Hilary. They don’t want another Obama and they are scared as hell of another Bernie.DNC is a business masquerading as a political party at this point. It’s not that they haven’t learned it’s that they are corrupt and don’t give a fuck about anything besides keeping the gravy train going through donations when they aren’t in power and feigning representation whilst feeding the same monsters as the republicans when the do have power. They are betting that if things get bad enough as they always do people will come crawling back to put the next right winger dem in charge. Ever lunging to the right lock step behind the republicans.
I don’t see myself ever voting for another dem that’s not left of Bernie and the DNC will never bring that kind of candidate.
There is no choice but to form a new party at this point.
I can only speak for myself, but there’s nothing the Democratic Party could do to make amends for doing nothing since the election.
If voting is allowed again — which seems an increasingly large ‘if’ — I’ll vote for a candidate who speaks to me, but never again for a Democrat just because they’re less awful than the Republican.
Elisa Slotkin – the jr sentaor they had give the rebuttal to trumps speech is as centrist, zionist and pro business as they can possibly come. From a perspective of looking for change, her wikipedia shows a brutal refusal by the DNC to admit the last few election losses. She’s basically another Joe Biden. If anything the DNC has become even more centrist and stubborn after throwing this election.
Time to start wearing some yellow vests.
Politico’s Lisa Kashinsky noted that Lau’s appointment was a sign that the party is “taking a stay-the-course approach to staffing despite the party’s losses in November.… Their selections reflect the DNC’s post-election preference for experienced operatives over shaking up the party apparatus on South Capitol Street.”
They are indifferent to their base. Campaigning against repubs rather than for progressive politics is all they know.
I clicked the link to read the article and I got a different article under the headline and description. Boo!
Hm. It worked for me . . . I checked it against “link this story” and it was the same URL. Anyone else not getting that article?
Thanks, i check again. Dont open in reader mode in safari
Par for the course.
I would also like to point out that the DNC is like any other political party in the sense that if you’re a member of it, you can campaign to have your views brought to the fore.
It requires participation.
If you’re just a doomscroller who hates things, then nm.
It requires
participationmoney. If you don’t have cash, the DNC does not care.I say: prove it! The DNC does not care about the average opinion because they do not care about their own voters. E.G Bernie 2016, Biden’s late entry 2020, and no primary Harris in 24….
no? Then it’s really up to the American people to grow up.
… or man up and let California secede. “One nation, indivisible” was cool while “liberty and justice for all” was also true. You can’t eat your states and still have them, so they’re like cake in that respect.
Liberty and justice for all has literally never once been true in this country.
It’s really time for the two party system to die before the nation does.
Videos on Electoral Reform
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
That’s an excellent plan. And then we crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?