“Illegal protests”
I fucking hate these people so much
The U.S. is now a dictatorship.
I’m aware. It’s been a dictatorship of capital for a while but now it’s fully mask off when the so called opposition refuses to oppose.
So with the 1st Amendment dead, time to move on to the 2nd?
They do seem to be begging for it. Isn’t funny how they stopped talking about the 2A all of sudden? NRA has been rather silent.
I think they had the paperwork to declare martial law ready from his first day.
Ofcourse they had …
The way Trump was speaking of using the military on US soil months ago tells you it was thorougly discussed between him and his inner circle.
I think the NRA is in the process of filing for bankruptcy and most of their executives are going down for embezzlement. (well in a world that makes sense the second part would actually happen.)
nra is a gun control lobby
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if registered Democrats ended up getting NICS denials. It’s an FBI system that would be easy to manipulate.
Dude can fuck fight off. He’s not going to scare us into submission. He’s going to start a fucking civil war, and he’s an idiot if he thinks that’s not what will happen.
He’s going to start a fucking civil war, …
… and he’s an idiot if he thinks that’s not what will happen.
It’s what he wants to happen.
That’s exactly what his supporters want, though. An excuse to start shooting The Blahs, Jews, foreigners, LGBTQ, uppity women, and people they know to be liberal, federal workers, Hollywood/news celebrities and politicians that they hate, etc…
I think his supporters are going to learn the difference between “peaceful” and “harmless” really quickly.
Maybe, but at a certain point, people get tired of being pushed around.
That’s would appear to be the plan, yes. Push people to riot, declare marshal law, turn it into a full blown civil war and rely on the assumption that right wingnuts are more likely to be armed than those who oppose fascism. I fervently hope it does not come to that, and some way is found to stop it in time, but the future currently looks rather bleak in that respect.
They will deputize the 2A ammosexuals that back Bronzo and make them into death squads. If it comes to that. They won’t just rely on wingnuts being armed and dangerous; they will make it clear they have license to kill, and most likely organize it.
Will Americans get tired of being pushed around? They seem to prefer helping the fascists by pushing each other around instead, judging by the repeated attempts on Lemmy to place everything Trump does squarely under the responsibility of the non-voters.
From my outside perspective, they like acting as the victim too much to actually fight back.
Bots aside, I think that’s because we’re the rabble, meaning we haven’t fully organized and activated, since successful rebellions align people toward a shared cause.
Recruitment takes time, but I’d encourage you to be on the lookout for less infighting and doomerism from Americans around here. Once you do, you will know they’ve found a more appealing outlet for that energy, perhaps one that actually lets them do something about it.
repeated attempts on Lemmy to place everything Trump does squarely under the responsibility of the non-voters
Well, if we didn’t have so many apathetic, stubborn, and contrary people in this country, would we even be talking about Bronzo the Clown right now?
So, yes, voters (and non-voters) ARE to blame for him being in office. He didn’t vote himself into the WH.
Why don’t you blame the cause for there to be so many apathetic people in your country instead of blaming the people who were only reacting to the treatment they’ve been given up to now?
It seems you people really love victim blaming when it conveniences you. I swear your insistence on acting smug for being the “right voter” is what will let Trump get full control of your country.
Hey, at least you can scream that you were right while your country crumbles around you. I’m sure that’s worth something.
It is not about being smug. It’s lamenting the fact that so many sat out not because the Democrats were offering something terrible, but because they didn’t feel catered to enough, or the Democrats didn’t offer up a pretty, pretty pony.
And now we are dealing with this asshole. Not because the majority actually want this. But because a sizable majority sat out or even voted for donvict as a way of trying to really stick it to Democrats so that they learn some kind of “lesson”.
It’s just so stupid.
The Democrats WAS offering something terrible. Just because Trump is worse, doesn’t make what the Dem offered not terrible. If your side had acknowledged this instead of attacking everyone who tried to tell you, maybe you’d have a chance at making the DNC offer something that the voters actually wanted and actually be able to beat Trump. But no, instead everyone that wasn’t blindly accepting everything the Dems offered is treated like the enemy before the election, and now you even continue doing so after the election.
You’re just living in la la land if you think doing this will make people finally support your cause. This is why I say you’re acting smug. You only care that you were right over these people, and not over the consequences of your action on your country’s ability to fight full-on fascism in the near future. What you’re doing is the same as the non-voters, making the wrong choice for the sake of teaching the non-voters a “lesson”. It’s just another chain of stupid decisions the non-fascists are making to enable the rise of fascism.
I’d say good luck dealing with the consequences if you decide to continue doing this. I might not be directly affected by this, by I would definitely feel the fallout after the fact. At that time, I won’t be blaming you any less for enabling fascism than the non-voters.
I hate to say it, but he’s scaring a lot of people into submission.
Fortunate that the constitution explicitly makes protesting legal, right guys?…
Right? That’s pretty obviously the entire point of the first amendment right? Anyone?
Free speech absolutists.
Private company banning hate speech: “omg, what about my free speech?”
Government banning use of certain words and calling protests illegal: “finally rooting out waste, fraud and abuse!”
‘illegal protests’
Then they’re safe, since protests are legal.
You’re still using the old dictionary. The new one has “legal” defined as “okay by Donald.”
He wants to get rid of the Department of Education anyway, so what is there to lose?
Turkey much?
Say Trump, what constitutes as “illegal?”
Probably anything they can label as “against christian values.” To keep it as vague as possible.
Usually if you are protesting the police always attempt to find reason to arrest you.
Now here is the trick they did with Falastien, call Hamas terrorist group, call anything about Israel antiemetic, call any criticism of Israel hate speech, have unclear laws about hate speech and gave power to federal agent to do whatever against terrorist.
Both allowed police, and collages to call protest against a genocide an illegal act.
Now, what trump plans to do, as soon as there is a protest, they can call the group a threat to America and make them terrorist , which allow police and federal agency to pick them up and investigate them as they like. It also allow republican companies and groups to reduce their ability to get jobs and maybe run buses with their faces and names around campus, similar to what they did to protester of Gaza genocide.
It was a slippery slope that started a while back and every administration keep going down hell, but now we have someone who doesn’t care about public image snd will do whatever he like.
Hamas is a terrorist group though
Well that’s not fantastic