I am really having trouble believing it went down like that. Analyzing one specific runners routine is more like stalking than anything. Especially given that there is a wealth of material on high mileage plans (Pfiitzinger anyone?).
…Being inspired by a professional’s methods is not stalker behavior. If he was a stalker, you’d think he’d know what the runner looked like, yeah?
This feels very much like an /r/thathappened post
As a running enthusiast whose varied from running ~25 miles a week to having to restart from nothing, what the guy is talking about is extremely common. I’ve followed many different plans from many runners, sometimes their names are attached, sometimes not, and most of them I couldn’t tell you what they look like. I will say Olympic runners are the most common. I’ve even come across hers. Nothing about this rings as implausible to someone remotely interested in the topic. I guess I could understand from a total outsider perspective, but from someone who looks into that topic often? Absolutely plausible. I see no reason not to believe them.
Edit: the amount of stories Tony Hawk posts like this and never gets questioned also just makes me wonder a bit about why multiple people have already commented the way you did.
I’ve never come across anyone that just pulls out a training schedule when I say “I run”.
Usually there’s some follow up questions about goals, training, whatever.
But just straight up grabbing your phone and pulling out a training schedule? THAT’S the implausible part, not that he was using her training schedule.
You have no idea what the conversation is. It was boiled down to “I run.” Why are you going out of your way to assume a whole bunch of stuff that isn’t mentioned?
That’s what I read between the lines. She’s having a stab at someone who did exactly that.
I don’t see the need to tell a professional runner how to run? I also don’t see why she would hid that fact if the conversation went any further?
I also don’t see why she would hid that fact if the conversation went any further?
If she’s leaving stuff out, it’s probably because Twitter has a character limit, not because she’s trying to hide something.
You find it unlikely that someone who runs at the Olympic level would be amongst people that are likely to nerd out about their training schedules? Why? Clearly it’s something they’re passionate about. Why is it shocking they’d be around other folks passionate about it?
This feels very much like a /r/nothingeverhappens comment.
Inside you there are two wolves.
I mean, just consider how astronomically improbable the entire situation is for a second instead of falling for rage bait.
It’s extremely possible. I came across her plan in researching running. She’s popular. Not all runners publish stuff. She’s one of the few names in running I recognize but I couldn’t for the life of me even describe what she looks like let alone recognize her on my own.
And why is this rage bait? Who is angry? It’s humorous. Why do you assume folks are supposed to be angry reading this?
The only people who seem to be raging are the ones trying to intimate that its a fake scenario, everyone else seems to be rolling their eyes or chuckling.