C’mon… give me my unicorn… I’ve selflessly granted the right-wing consent to make those more vulnerable than me suffer, by heroically sitting on my heroic ass on many election days, I am a pure and very special, delicate flower, I know what’s what and how’s how better than anyone before or after me! i’M sO sPeCiaL, gOdDaMniT, giVE mE wHaT i WaaaaNt!!!
C’mon… give me my unicorn… I’ve selflessly granted the right-wing consent to make those more vulnerable than me suffer, by heroically sitting on my heroic ass on many election days, I am a pure and very special, delicate flower, I know what’s what and how’s how better than anyone before or after me! i’M sO sPeCiaL, gOdDaMniT, giVE mE wHaT i WaaaaNt!!!
i know right? these people make me sick. wanting shelter, it’s disgusting