I hope avoiding Amazon fits this community rules?

I need a few bits to resurrect an old PC. My Amazon cart is $68 with shipping - we’re going to cancel Prime, but my wife is still working on downloading all her photos. Best I can do elsewhere is near double this PLUS shipping from 3 different suppliers and 2 of the suppliers are on eBay, which is also a US company.

I moved to Canada a few years ago from Australia where I had pccasegear, scorptec and others. It seems Canadians have become reliant on the US market and Amazon and we now have no competitive local retailers for this type of thing?

  • Jesse Sopel@lemmings.sopelj.ca
    9 days ago

    Oh yeah, that makes sense. Corsair, Kingston and Timetec are all kind of in their one price ranges so you can’t really use that as a baseline to say it’s 3x more expensive. I think the issue is they have very little DDR3 RAM. They have far more choices in DDR4, so it would be easier to compare fairly. It’s hard to beat Amazon for selection, but hopefully you can find something that works for you elsewhere.