Free education -Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Vietnam
15% wage for rent - Soviet Union
Land Redistribution (Landback?) - Cuba, China, Soviet Union
Unions - Soviet Union, Cuba, China, Vietnam, DPRK
Free natural disaster reconstruction - DPRK
State of the art public transit - China
No electricity bill -Gaddafi Libya
No interest loans - Gaddafi Libya
On work site medical care - Soviet Union
Pre employment unemployment UBI - Gaddafi Libya
We can go on and on and on and on and on.
If one is an “anti tankie”, then it must follow that one must be against these kinds of policies.
Progressives and leftists DREAM of having these things. But they’re committed to being against the tankies.
They have yet to demonstrate how the masses are supposed to get these benefits by negotiating and appealing to the good graces of capitalists.
But they’re TERRIFIED at the prospect that the people.may do these exact things AT GUNPOINT. As if they know those guns are meant for them.
Maybe if you don’t want to be killed or imprisoned by a worker’s state, stop…sabotaging it?
Not to mention these countries historically and relatively are far more patient with internal saboteurs than capitalist countries. Ask the Black Panthers, the union leaders, even the liberal BLM/Occupy protestors, how nominally going against American hegemony went for them…
Obligatory reminder that for example Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the party three times before getting accused of treason, while just the stunt they pulled shortly before the revolution would be enough for them to meet the wall in every single capitalist country (and they weren’t even kicked out back then so not included in those three times).