r/c101 should in theory be big tent
Theoretical big tents somehow always turn into left wing of fascism.
I mean, China has sacrificed some specific Marxist ideas in the short-term (edit: meaning “dealyed until safe”, not “reverted” or “abandoned”) in order to avoid being destroyed by the West like the USSR was. So it makes sense that some paranoid Marxists want to wait and see how the situation evolves before making their minds on the issue. I believe in the Communist leadership of China, but I can’t blame others for being more skeptical.
I mean even Michael Parenti said China is capitalist in 1998. In 2023 we can clearly say it’s not the case but it was definitely looking very suspicious in the 90’s.
That said, most of western maoists are by no means Parenti who himself admitted being led astray by the western narrations in some cases. They are just petty bourgeoise posers who actually follows their own class interests by aligning with imperialism, even if unconsciously.
Deng made a huge leap of faith into the future. If the next generations failed, we would all be now calling him a next Gorbachev, regardless of his real intentions.
Michael Parenti is also for U.S. patriotism.
Michael Parenti is not an authoritative theorist; stop treating him as one.
Michael Parenti is also for U.S. patriotism.
That’s pretty irrelevant in that discussion. I also don’t think everything he ever wrote and said needs to be cancelled because of it, even if that’s true.
is not an authoritative theorist
Agree, good that i never said that. What he is though, is influental and popular debunker of bourgeois myths and popularisator of basic marxist theory. And as such literally everyone here already heard of him and most likely read some of his books or articles - the most popular being “Blackshirts and Reds” which is where he made that conclusion about China. Which furthermore looks entirely like glossing over the topic in literally one sentence precisely because being misled by the US information bubble.
Which means nothing
also means nothing
Weird hill to die but ok.
Communism was in a precarious state post-USSR. It makes sense that past analysts even from people like Parenti don’t hold up well in hindsight. The entire communist movement was in the unfortunate position of having to make concessions to capital.
Yes i know. 90’s were terrible for every AES and reqired hard moves to survive, interestingly enough they all survived and defended their socialism.