I used to be a football hooligan in what now seems like a previous life and I hope it comes as no surprise that the vast majority of the ultras sections are hunting grounds for right wing movements seeking out young (mostly) men who are willing to form what are essentially militias.

Apart from this several right wing groups throughout Europe and the US have their own militias who do martial arts and combat training.

This, of course, seems all very LARP-y until it doesn’t and they come to protests better equipped to fight.

For the time I have been active in political organizing not once have I seen the same effort coming from a left wing party and honestly it seems rather naive. I don’t think you should advertise stuff like that out in the open because that would make you an easy target for bad press and it will probably scare people away anyway.

But still. Should left wing organisations offer martial arts or other self defense courses? Should we be ‘above that’? And what if shit does hit the fan?

  • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
    12 days ago

    I agree with your main point but disagree on the specifics.

    Fascist militias are so prominent because their primary mode of action is using violence against working-class people with the tacit approval of the state. Think of the Freikorps, the Brownshirts and Blackshirts, the Azov Battalion. They exist to commit acts of terror against civilians that the government proper would prefer to distance themselves from.

    Marxists, on the other hand, will neither be committing terrorism against working-class people nor will they have the tacit but unofficial support of the state. The current Marxist movement neither has the capacity nor an urgent interest in building combat ability. That time will come, but it isn’t now.

    • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
      11 days ago

      I think the fact that Marxists won’t be anti-working class fascists and that we won’t have support of the state should mean that we have an even bigger incentive to build combat ability.

      • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
        5 days ago

        I’ve been thinking about this comment for a few days, so apologies for the late reply.

        The current state of Marxist organizing in the United States is very fractured, disorganized, and sedentary. The fact that we’re talking about this among Internet randos and not at a party Congress is proof of this, and needs to be accepted as a proposition that we are having this conversation in order to encourage a course of action among comrades and not to decide on a course of action as an organized, disciplined group. In other words, we are Agitating, not Organizing.

        And that all being said, the Marxist movement in the United States is still several stages behind that which would benefit from the building of combat ability. Here are a few reasons, which I intend to be taken with nuance (as cautions) and not as absolutes.

        (1). Because we are positioned as enemies of the state, the building of military force gives the state casus belli to use greater violence against us.

        (2). The current stage of Marxist organization prioritizes recruitment, propaganda, and coalition-building. A perceived obsession with violence is, in a phrase, bad optics, and will turn off both potential recruits and allies in struggle.

        (3). Time spent “training” could be better spent performing other duties of a party, such as recruitment, education, organizing, and protest.

        • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
          5 days ago

          I mostly agree with your 2nd and 3rd points, but my thinking is that eventually, the state is poised at moment’s notice to crack down on it’s opponents, especially communists.

          I’m not saying that we all go looking for a fight, and I understand the power that “optics” unfortunately has.

          The fascist state cracks down on people who aren’t a threat all the time. Now when we are an actual threat, imagine what the state will do. We need to be prepared for anything and everything, or we’ve already lost.

          • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
            5 days ago

            I understand where you’re coming from but I think there are multiple reasons why military- or guerilla-style combat training isn’t really useful for the situations Marxist groups will find themselves in in the near future.

            To the extent that armed resistance is effective, it is effective as a deterrent. If it comes to armed conflict, we will lose. This basic level of deterrence does not require training (at least, not extensive or dedicated training) - it only requires being armed.

            Marxists in the United States do not (yet) have the support of the people. Becoming Maoist guerillas living in the woods and performing adventurism on police precincts and factories might be cool but it isn’t really an effective use of personnel. The best use of a Marxist is as an organizer - a mover of people. Any action that turns a potential organizer into a criminal who cannot operate in professional society is ineffective as a revolutionary tactic.

            Even if we did spend weeks doing combat training and arming ourselves, if the police or the military starting sending goons to our homes and community centers, there would be very little utility in shooting back. Our options would be (1). Go to jail and fight through the legal system, (2). Go into hiding, or (3). Flee the country.

            If the cops raid your home, having combat training will not determine success, only how many cops you take with you. And cops are easier to replace than Marxists.

            • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
              5 days ago

              Very fair points.

              I still feel like no matter how you slice it, there needs to be some kind of preparation. But I can’t argue against your solid points.