so i messed up and heres how; i used chatgpt to help design a sallen key low pass filter for my subwoofers. i knowwww i know. mostly i just asked it to do math but the problem is im consistently getting different answers about is if two consecutive second-order filters will change the overall cutoff freq or just make the cutoff steeper. ive used lm4562 opamps, 100nf caps and 8.2 kohm resistors. i did the math my damn self and it looks like chatgpt was right and the cutoff is ~195 hz. my subs are rated to 150 hz at -3db. im inclined to think the stacked filters are going to make a steeper cutoff, rather than change the freq too much but i’d love for someone more knowledgeable to chime in here.

it wasn’t wasted work, it was my first electronics project so i got to lay out a real pcb board and solder it all together which went pretty well. i have a fischer price freq generator from the local college so i’ll see if it actually works before grumbling too much at myself.