I often come across media (books, movies, articles, documentaries, etc) where I think I really want to watch / read this, but am not able to do it right away. Currently I scribble it down in some Notion list, which works semi-well.
Are you having any more sophistocated tool for this? Ideally it would involve things like automatic metadata fetching, settings of tags and priorities, etc.
Ideally it would be something like goodreads, IMDB or letterboxd just for personal use and I could also browse past books and movies and see what I enjoyed most and so on.
Thanks for the help!
I have only superficially tried it (I’m more of a messy .txt files everywhere kind of person) but https://github.com/IgnisDa/ryot sounds like what you are looking for
For strictly managing a personal reading list, check out my project Booktracker. It’s meant to be a sort-of goodreads alternative, and it includes the things on your wishlist like metadata fetching, priority, rating, etc (with lots more coming soon!).
For an all-in-one reading/watch/tracking solution, I know a lot of people really enjoy ryot, but I haven’t had a chance to play around with it too much yet.
Is ryot a manual entry? Like a journal? Just making sure…
iOS notes app with iCloud 🥹
Is there anything out there like this but just for YouTube videos?
not self hosted but I really like Trello
I use a todo app for this. I have a Read/Watch list and just add things there.
I like this because it’s super fast/easy to add something, I can sync todos to all my devices via CalDAV, and I am regularly reminded about them when I use my todo list. :-)