The state of Gaza’s hospitals: Surgeries without anesthesia and with only mobile phones for light. Vinegar from the corner store as disinfectant. 5,000 patients in a hospital built for 700, some sleeping on the floor. No power, no clean water, little fuel.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    158 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — The only thing worse than the screams of a patient undergoing surgery without enough anesthesia are the terror-stricken faces of those awaiting their turn, a 51-year-old orthopedic surgeon says.

    If more aid doesn’t come in, I fear we’ll get to the point where going to a hospital will do more harm than good,” Mehdat Abbas, an official in the Hamas-run Health Ministry, said.

    When Israel cut fuel to the territory’s sole power plant two weeks ago, Gaza’s rumbling generators kicked in to keep life-support equipment running in hospitals.

    At Nasser Hospital in the southern city of Khan Younis this week, nurses and surgical assistants held their iPhones over the operating table, guiding the surgeons with the flashlights as they snipped.

    At Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s biggest, where Abed also worked this week, the intensive care unit runs on generators but most other wards are without power.

    The scenes — infants arriving alone to intensive care because no one else in their family survived, patients awake and grimacing in pain during surgeries — have traumatized Abed into numbness.

    The original article contains 817 words, the summary contains 182 words. Saved 78%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • JasSmith
    8 months ago

    So release the hostages you fucking psychopaths! Want power from Israel? Step one, don’t murder their babies. Step two, don’t take hostages.

    • المنطقة عكف عفريت
      418 months ago

      Hmmm you almost make it sound like a small group of militants killing civilians is justification for this fucking nightmare hospital.

      Is it really worth it? Or course it is when you don’t value Palestinians as humans.

        -138 months ago

        Small group? It’s their government. It’s far from a small group. I guarantee you they also have plenty of medical supplies, fuel, and food stored up in their terror tunnels. Of course they’re not sharing any of it with their civilians.

      • burchalka
        -158 months ago

        small group of militants, yes, but security camera videos showing non-uniformed Gazans joining the carnage on Israeli villages shows that it’s not an “isolated incident”

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت
          268 months ago

          Yes sure, but what about the 1.5k children that are now dead? What did they do? Israel made no effort to discriminate.

          The office said in statements Saturday that the death toll in Gaza since the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel has risen to 4,385, including 1,756 children and 967 women. Another 13,561 people have been injured, the statement added. (source)

          How many “war crimes” do Palestinians deserve to live and die in until we finally fully apply the idea of “never again”?

          Israel has no interest in arresting these people and bringing them to justice. Instead they are committed to ethnic cleansing with their evacuation orders and constant killing of civilians. Half of the population of Gaza are children (so more than a million) who never, “voted” for Hamas and now sit in Gaza with no water and food supplies dwindling, ready to die any moment.

          I’m sorry for all those victims but their deaths can’t justify ethnic cleansing and genocide and certainly not apartheid.

          • burchalka
            -58 months ago

            Note that Israel do arrest, judge and sentence the terror group members when it is possible to do so, like in Israeli villages or in the West bank. But since Gaza is a self managing autonomous entity - this is not possible (without great risk to involved officers).

            • المنطقة عكف عفريت
              78 months ago

              Seems like the majority are Palestinians held without charge and being tortured in prison. Fuck Israel’s track record of human rights violations.

              58 months ago

              The real question is how many settlers got effective sentences for killing unprovoked Palestinians or IDF soldiers killing intentionally kids who threw rocks on them. This is once again showing the double standards when coming to Palestinians.

              • burchalka
                -18 months ago

                Look, when press says kids throwing rocks, it sounds like they’re throwing marbles, while the fact is a) they’re pretty well trained in throwing using slings b) on some occasions these are huge pieces of cinder blocks - definitely capable of severe damage/killing if one gets hit on their head…

              08 months ago

              Only if they’re brown or they do something so egregious the international stage notices. Other than that it’s open season on Palestinians there and it has been for decades. They’ve literally shot the doctors at protests with no reprecussions.

          278 months ago

          Living for decades under constant suffering and oppression leads to radicalization, this is old news and should be expected given how horrifically Israel has treated Palestinians. It doesn’t excuse the killing of Israelis of course, but similarly their actions don’t excuse or justify Israel’s ethnic cleansing.

          • JasSmith
            -128 months ago

            There is no reason, justification, or excuse for murdering babies. None.

                58 months ago

                Israelis are actively mocking those they kill dead. They have Telegram channels where people gloat over photos of bodies. They are fucking psychopaths.

              • JasSmith
                -118 months ago

                Quote me where I make excuses for murdering Gazan babies.

                • المنطقة عكف عفريت
                  108 months ago

                  Your response to civilians not being allowed food, water, or medical supplies while Israel bombs the shit out of them, including shelters and places of worship, is, “So release the hostages you fucking psychopaths.”

                  This is collective punishment, not much different from the holocaust. We don’t have to wait until “enough” die until at least some country places serious sanctions on Israel.

              108 months ago

              Stop trying to appeal to emotion when there’s enough suffering to go around. Nothing I said justified the killing of babies, in fact quite the opposite, you even bringing that up in response to me means you have no actual argument, you’re just falling back on reactionary buzzwords.

              8 months ago

              You realise that IDF has killed way more babies than Hamas, right? And not even now, historically. 50% of the population of Gaza is below 18 years. There are 4600 casualties on Palestinian side, meaning that at least 2300 are below 18. Now make an assumption about how many of them are babies.

              Not to mention those prematurely born babies that depend on oxygen, and are endangered by the forceful power cut imposed by Israel.

              Or is your point that Palestinian babies don’t count?

              58 months ago

              But apparently murdering babies is a justification for genocide? Including the babies on the opposing side?

              Where’s the line?

      38 months ago

      This “conflict” didn’t start on October 7th. Israel instigated this with a generation of apartheid and colonialism.

      • Hyperreality
        8 months ago

        Except the person you’re responding to didn’t mention 40 beheaded babies. They mentioned murdered babies. And yes, Hamas/Islamic Jihad did murder babies. There are pictures.


        So, given that infants were indeed among victims killed in the violent attack, why does it matter if they died by beheadings or another way?

        Let’s be honest, you’re probably too far down the rabbit hole given your callous comment. But for those reading, stay critical of any claims or counter claims, and be careful to avoid the pitfall of cognitive dissonance.

        Condemning Hamas doesn’t mean you can’t support innocent Palestinian civilians who are suffering. Condemning Israel war crimes, doesn’t mean you can’t also condemn the murder of innocent Israelis. The situation isn’t black and white.

        • livus
          8 months ago

          Can we at least all agree that the multiple babies being killed (whether by Hamas or the IDF) do not deserve to die?

                28 months ago

                Ofc. Just weird to say “multiple” when it’s thousands over decades.

                • livus
                  8 months ago

                  @Serdan I get you now. “Being killed” is the present tense (specifically, the present continuous). I’m talking about the current round of hostilities.

                  I use “multiple” because since it’s still unfolding we don’t yet have an estimate for how many are being killed.

        • NecoArcKbinAccount
          48 months ago

          ngl your comment inspired me to take a second look at the babies shit, apparently there was a whole thing of if the burnt baby picture was fake or not and i honestly can’t make heads or tails out of it. ty for the snopes article.

          Let’s be honest, you’re probably too far down the rabbit hole given your callous comment. But for those reading, stay critical of any claims or counter claims, and be careful to avoid the pitfall of cognitive dissonance. Condemning Hamas doesn’t mean you can’t support innocent Palestinian civilians who are suffering. Condemning Israel war crimes, doesn’t mean you can’t also condemn the murder of innocent Israelis. The situation isn’t black and white.

          i’m sorry if i came off dense, thickheaded, or rash; i understand that the situation isn’t black or white. just a lot of people are trying to justify a free pass to genocide 2.1 million people and it’s frustrating to see.

    -528 months ago

    Well, don’t declare war on a country that you are dependent upon for all your resources and then expect its help.

    • المنطقة عكف عفريت
      498 months ago

      And by dependent upon them for resources you mean it’s an apartheid state that locked 2 million people up in an open air prison and has total control over their water and resources.

        • المنطقة عكف عفريت
          28 months ago

          Why should they undergo ethnic cleansing and forced removal from their homeland to Egypt? Why can’t Israel just treat them like human beings instead?

          Egypt has already accepted many many many Palestinian refugees, and it knows that if those Gazans cross over, Israel will lock them out and never allow them back in.

          I don’t like the Egyptian president but at least they have been diplomatic and insistent on getting humanitarian aid into Gaza.

          Surely their fellow Muslims would help them and not lock them out. What on earth does this have to do with anything? You know there are plenty of Palestinians and Egyptians that are Christians, Jews, and atheists, right?

          What kind of shitbag do I have to be to only help people of my own religion and ethnicity. Pathetic.

          Oh wait, isn’t that what Israel is basically? An ethnostate?

            18 months ago
            1. Muslim: Around 90-95% of the population. 2. Christian: Approximately 1-2% of the population. 3. Other or non-religious: The remaining 2-9% of the population.

            I agree that ethnostates are not a good thing, but that is clearly what Palestine is, hence their ridiculous bullshit. Israel is a least making an attempt at being non-denominational in government. It is a safe haven for Jews, but it does not have a national religion and is careful to not make laws that raise one religion over another. The current administration is less tolerant of those rules and isn’t that great, but the conflict has been around longer than them. The whole homeland argument is so outdated. The Jews got pushed out by them many years prior. It’s been a back and forth for centuries. They need to share, but the Palestinians are mostly Muslim and are assholes. They are responsible for causing violence instead of brokering peace. They started a war on there home turf. They are the reason people are getting killed. Are you denying that they launch rockets are Israel from within their civilization areas because that shit’s well documented.

      8 months ago

      It’s so strange how people do some mental gymnastics to think that Israel is completely justified in all of their prior and current crimes against humanity.

      Heck, the freakin hostages and Israelies in hospital in Israel have publically ridiculed the government and the army, hence Netanyahu is bunkered down hasn’t visited anyone.

      • Hyperreality
        158 months ago

        Apparently he went to visit the troops for a photo op, and they booed him.

        -18 months ago

        My take on it is that many of the people in the Palestinian territories have a backwards culture where women are relegated to home life and queer people are to be hung. This isn’t just a small pocket of their communities. These are the people in charge. They don’t just want land. They want to eradicate cultures that are different from theirs. Many peace talks occurred over the past half-century, but they always end because the Palestinians just want to get rid of Jews and anyone that doesn’t submit to their narrow worldview. These shitty people allow their leaders to shoot rockets at Israeli cities. They could come to amicable agreements, but don’t. This is what causes the apartheid-like conditions. They did it to themselves. They then decided to let their leaders declare war and are not paying the price. The bad guys are filling their homes, that they know are targets, with women and children. Many people use Islam to justify monstrous actions. They think that all other ways of life are an affront to their beliefs. If the people of Gaza want to continue to exist, they need to get rid of their terrorist government.

    • ComradeSharkfucker
      78 months ago

      It’s almost like they were forced to be dependent on that country and never wanted it in the first place