I work in a bus control room. The word “quiet” is banned because as soon as someone says it things invariably kick off
I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.
I’m not superstitious at all but out of habit I do tend to (moderately) follow a bunch
Don’t put new shoes on the table Don’t open umbrellas inside Don’t walk under ladders Don’t walk over 3 drains Don’t pass people on the stairs Throwing salt over my shoulder if I spill some) Pointing out the good luck of being poop on by a bird Greeting/saluting a magpie
Oh dear that’s a lot… maybe I am superstitious!
Whenever feasible (which is most of the time, tbh), I carry two silver dollars around in my pocket to pay the Ferryman in the event that something happens to me and I get killed.
That’s a good one, I might start doing the same.
One thing I do close to this is refusing to walk on street grating. As a child I heard about someone and their dog getting electrocuted by one when a light post had bad lighting and I have seen so many videos of grating giving way because of street failures. 😅 Looking the story up, I can’t find it (would have been a long time ago) but some people did talk about electricity in cities being a risk to puppers at least.
I do this and I don’t even have a reason like you do.
I think it’s just become so ingrained in me now that it’s not even a conscious choice 😅
When i was little i didn’t like to walk on cracks. Not for any reason or even the old kiddy superstition. I still have to catch myself not walking funny to avoid the pattern cracks in sidewalk! 😂
I absolutely relate to this - I worry my stopping to let people pass so I don’t have to walk on grates makes me look totally unhinged