A deep dive into Qtile Window Manager and BSPWM, which is better and who should use which one?
Alternative non Google link: https://tilvids.com/w/60cca815-f525-43cf-aa3a-ac5da7ee8e61
I like qtile
I tried both but ended up using dwm cause it was the closest to what I wanted with the least amount of work. All I added to dwm was a clock and I was happy.
Whatever one you like better
@mojo True. He made a good introduction into both tiling window managers and holding off his own opinion/decision until end of video and only spoke 2 minutes out of 38 as a final verdict. He also do not push people into one system, just offering options and an opinion. In my mind this was well done first look for people to decide what they try next and what they await.
However it should be noted this was all in X11 and not Wayland.