Protip: when arguing online, a very good strategy for wasting other peoples’ time and generally being an insufferable prick is to always pick a slightly unconventional definition of the topic that you’re arguing about. It works even better if you shift your definition subtly throughout the course of the argument. That way, each individual statement you make is technically not false, while your overall “argument” is an inconsistent ill-defined undisprovable mess that’s impossible to argue against.
Protip: when arguing online, a very good strategy for wasting other peoples’ time and generally being an insufferable prick is to always pick a slightly unconventional definition of the topic that you’re arguing about. It works even better if you shift your definition subtly throughout the course of the argument. That way, each individual statement you make is technically not false, while your overall “argument” is an inconsistent ill-defined undisprovable mess that’s impossible to argue against.
The tankie handbook.
Are the tankies in the room with use right now?
Yeah you can recognize them by intense bouts of denial with phrases like “Are the tankies in the room with use right now?”