James Web telescope finds giant question mark galaxy in deep space.
Deep space quest marker
that’s the intro quest in the tutorial… and it’s 16 billion light years away… thanks Universe devs…
If that’s the tutorial quest I don’t think I want to see the final boss.
Achievement Unlocked!
Travel 100 light years from your planet of origin.
Lemmy just hit a new high today. As I came in to post this, I found it as the top comment. Very old-reddit! Good job.
Yeah it’s getting better. The top hour, 6 hours etc. has helped a ton too.
Old Reddit would have an expert as the top comment instead of a joke. That’s something to strive for.
Quiet the hell down before it goes to ‘!’
Huh? What was that noise?
Everyone, quick! Crouch behind a barrel!
It’s an unloaded texture
I enjoy the jokes, but has anyone given an explanation of what it likely is?
Seems like merging galaxies. It’s too far away to be a single star being eaten by a companion. (It’d have the six-sided star mirror artifact if it were closer.) And galaxies temporarily form weird shapes as they merge
Just speculation but it would be totally plausible for a helix shaped galaxy or star (possibly being pulled into a black hole) oriented from an odd angle, with either a gap or a cloud of some sort blocking one part of it and it just happens to look like a common glyph.
But I’m no starologist
Could also be two or more systems colliding with each other. Similar to this
deleted by creator
I wanted to guess gravitational lensing, but couldn’t see how that would make a question mark… it’s still pretty cool!
Looks like we’re about to unlock a new galaxy.
We need more Power Stars
More likely someone trying to invoke the improbability drive
I knew it
If they look just a little further they’re bound to find some galaxies smeared into the phrase “WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE”
The Riddler has taken his antics into intergalactic space
That message was sent specifically for us. Like, “We’ve been watching your civilization for the last 50 earth cycles. WTF?”
Excellent shitpost by deep space
It’s a collectible. You can get the new dlc free if you collect 50 of them
Growing up I really enjoyed the Riddler episodes of the animated Batman series.
Side quest
Next we’ll find a big CHA- etched onto some moon…
The aliens are questioning our societal decisions
Dr Evils fathers home galaxy.