It is pretty weird that there seems to be a view that revolution, general strikes, assassination of corrupt leaders etc. are somehow easier than just voting for the better option in each election.
I suspect it’s a mix of abstract idealism over reality-on-the-ground, performative leftism, and (dons tinfoil hat) concerted efforts by authoritarians to sabotage any leftward motion (“interesting” how accelerationism aligns perfectly with authoritarian wishlists).
It is pretty weird that there seems to be a view that revolution, general strikes, assassination of corrupt leaders etc. are somehow easier than just voting for the better option in each election.
I suspect it’s a mix of abstract idealism over reality-on-the-ground, performative leftism, and (dons tinfoil hat) concerted efforts by authoritarians to sabotage any leftward motion (“interesting” how accelerationism aligns perfectly with authoritarian wishlists).