Is it via a partner? Is it a FWB? Other?

For me, I tried dating and found it incredibly frustrating and mentally exhausting and draining, so I went down the escort route. Also, I live with my parents, so I couldn’t find a way to make proper dating work.

I’m in the process of moving into my own house, and I’m planning to try and get some exercise done before I get back into the world of dating.

    2 years ago

    Actually in the same boat as you. 31 here, haven’t done the deed yet and I’m seriously considering going down the escort route.

    My dating experiences have ranged from bad to terrible. Ladies here tend to be incredibly frigid.

    Here in the UK, prostitution is legal but many things commonly associated with the sex industry (brothels, pimping, kerb crawling, soliciting sex in a public place) are criminalised. But I still think I’d rather go to the Netherlands or Germany since they have fully regulated sex industries.