Reading ahead in class. I wasn’t reading ahead, I am just a fast reader. Yes, I really did finish that chapter already. Yes, when you said to read it. No, I’m not showing off.
What kind of teacher complains that a kid is reading too much?
Same teachers that complain that a kid is reading at to high of a level, or solve a math problem a different but completely functioning way.
Teachers that are not capable of dealing with kids at different levels or different ways of learning or doing and need all children to do everything exactly as the teacher says at exactly the same pace.
In 3rd grade (maybe age 8), when coming back from the playground, my teacher had a rule:
One day, when coming back from recess, I noticed that the kid in front of me, Joe, was crying. Now, I didn’t like Joe, he was a bully and had made fun of me and my friend group since the 2nd grade. But I still didn’t like just letting someone sit there upset. So I put a hand on his shoulder and said, “hey, are you ok?”
Thus breaking two of the three most important rules you could possibly imagine. The teacher came over and chastised me for “playing around in line”, completely ignoring Joe (who was still crying). I tried to argue, but to no avail.
Later that day, the teacher made a huge speech in front of the class about how sometimes you think you’re doing the right thing, but you still need to follow the rules, and gave me a citation in front of the entire class.
Also, Joe continued to bully me.
Got arrested for self defence against a bully
fuck the school admin
and ACAB
In 2nd grade the teacher had to step out of the room for several minutes and put me in charge. If anyone misbehaved, I was to write their name on the chalkboard. One group of boys did misbehave, so I wrote down their names.
When the teacher returner, she scolded me for “being a snitch” and sent me to the principal’s office.
Kid made himself bleed with a bobby pin and during class his girlfriend asked the teacher to talk about something private: while she was out of the room, he yelled, then said I stabbed him with a pencil.
Later on in the Principal’s office, the teacher came to apologize and showed the bobby pin she confiscated that still had blood on the spot where he removed the rubber tip. She explained that she took it from him before class even started because he wouldn’t stop fidgeting.
Even with proof that I was innocent, that worthless racist ass piece of shit Principal still gave me OSS. I genuinely still wish her and that piece of shit kid the worst, 20+ years after the fact.
I had a shirt with some random kanji and a cartoon anthropomorphized beer mug and cigarette on it (probably said complete gibberish but it was 2005 so who can tell). Anyway, I got chewed out by a teacher about it being inappropriate, meanwhile some other kid was walking around with a literal Jack Daniel’s shirt without any repercussions.
I let a classmate of mine borrow my car. She asked if she could use it to run a quick errand. I was just trying to be nice. I didn’t know her parents had grounded her from driving or that the school had a policy against letting other students use your vehicle. In hindsight it probably wasn’t a smart idea but I was 17 so I didn’t think about it that much.
A simple, “please don’t do that again” would have been more than sufficient but instead I got a two day suspension.
Kindergarten, in a pencil-sharpening contest with 2 girls. Even though my pencil was clearly sharper, they ganged up on me and said theirs were, vote was 2-1. I exclaimed that “girls are toilets”, which was overheard by the authorities. Spent the rest of the day in timeout.
Rhyming words with pitch. I was in 2nd grade. And I wasn’t trying to get away with saying bitch, it’s just a word that my parents used and it popped into my head.
Girl who sat next to me told.
5th grade music (singing) class. We’re practicing a song for an upcoming assembly. It’s cheesy. An excerpt:
We can fight all the evil, we can fight all the hate
If we do it together, it won’t be too late
If we do it together, it won’t be too lateDuring the song, two adjacent kids start laughing every time it says “We can do it together” because “do it” = “have sex” even though most of us don’t know what it entails at this age, myself included. The teacher glares at them but does nothing else. Several other kids including me chuckle at the scene. This goes on for 3 weeks.
Now comes the dress rehearsal. Today is special because two 5th grade classes are having a joint rehearsal. All of us are a little giddy because there are double the kids crammed into the same space.
In anticipation of getting caught up in the infectious laughter, as the words “do it” approach I hide my face behind my sheet music. Suddenly, the backing CD track cuts out. I lowered the paper from my face she was already halfway to the clown kid sitting beside me. Except… she comes to me. In this abrupt silence she explodes at me, point blank, index finger brandished:
She singled me out. I was embarrassed.
Only after class did I learn from my homeroom teacher that the two instigators had recently been given a very stern talking to, such that the music teacher thought it was resolved until my hiding face gave her the impression it was not. Thankfully my homeroom teacher understood and I received no further consequences other than all of this living in my head for the next 30 years and forever.
I made a copy of an Apple system diskette.
Reading a book in English class. Had a high school English teacher that was out sick half the time and spent literally all of the remaining time they were actually in to teach us, reading through the assigned novel for the curriculum. (barely 20% of the curriculum overall) I was/am an avid reader so had the novel finished on my own in about a week and a half and got bored of listening to the terrible accents and voices being attempted by the teacher so Brought in my own book from the library and hid that in the cover of the prescribed novel to read. Teacher caught me and sent a letter home to my parents. Absolute nonsense!
In eighth grade, part of being in student council was helping an assigned teacher with various tasks during study hall. Well, when that teacher didn’t have anything for us, my friend and I would go help the librarian with various tasks instead. We were “caught” and given detention (my first and only). So dumb.
Grade 3, I was saying “fuh” like the first sound in “fuck” and Katherine told on me for saying “fuck” even though I didn’t say it. Tragically, her story was believed and mine was not. I never forgave her. I also never saw her again after Grade 5, so whatevs.
Kid I knew ripped the IT dept account and password out of Windows using a boot disk and told a few people including me.
You could use the account to remote access any computer on the network. I used it to set a friend of mine’s desktop background to an image I made of the world’s ugliest dogs. Teacher caught me and I fessed up.
Got yanked into the coordinators office and got a big spiel about how the account could have been used to access exams and reports and whatnot. Surprisingly didn’t get in that much trouble since I didn’t really use my great powers for anything crazy. Had to write a letter of apology to the principal and got detention for a bit and that’s it.
Kid who ripped the password didn’t do any time from what I remember. Don’t think I ratted, or at least I hope not.