I use KDE Plasma, and much prefer the KDE color picker over the GTK one that Firefox uses, with input type=color
I know that I can set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 to make Firefox use the native file picker, is there a way to make it use the native color picker as well?
I know there probably isn’t a way, but I figured it’s worth a shot asking.
I’m not exactly sure if I follow. Like, isn’t brightness already slider when using HSV? Meaning you can just change the brightness without changing Hue or Saturation.
Edit: HSL, not HSV
That was their goal yes, but it doesn’t work correctly. Of course that depends on display technology, in some cases it might work perfectly.
Still, those technologies work with numbers. Tell me of one Picasso out there that can actually paint with some calculated numbers? Not a damn one, they paint by using their eyes and hands.
So how do you mingle the analog technology of the human eye with the digital technology of a computer? Answer is, you don’t, unless you can design an intuitive interface for humans that they can just look at and communicate with, rather than look a bunch of stupid numbers which almost make no sense.
Part of my prototype was gonna be called HSG, (Hue, Saturation, Greyscale), until I fully realized true artists don’t work with numbers at all, they work with their eyes and hands.