I may not like the CCP, but you have to give credit to where it is due. The government is run by pragmatic technocrats with long term vision. These are the characteristics that America has lost long ago. It is so ironic and funny that it is China who is the promoter now of international free trade.
Holy shit no.
The CCP is mostly controlled by Xi Jinping, and he’s happy to purge anyone who gets in his way, since 2012 and continuing today. He’s also forcing compliance at every level — from disappearing Jack Ma for the mildest of CCP criticism to enforcing a blackout of tianamen square in their ai models. He is much closer to Putin than Trump.
This same control-freak policy applies to their trade. Want to do business in china? Be prepared to set up a 50/50 joint stock company. Want to move money out of the country? Good luck, 50k/year max. This is why so many Chinese buy foreign property, they are trying to move assets outside the reach of the CCP. It’s also why China turns a blind eye to the fent trade — it weakens the US and provides a valuable source of hard (ie cash) currency for China.
Don’t get it twisted, the CCP is run by authoritarians with little tolerance for dissent, not wise technocrats building a better China.
Chinese belt and road initivate can nearly be called free trade.
Just being pedantic regarding the AI models; they’re only censored on the publicly hosted versions. Like any other model if you run it locally you’re only restricted by the model’s training
Dont forget them avoiding war for however many decades, whole america fabricates them for profit.
Why are repubs so freakin divisive? Like, why not we lift one another up? Dumbasses
After “gun violence”, he should’ve added “gun violence against children”.
She’s talking about the population density of fascists. America is first and China is last
Wtf are you talking about? China is also fascist, although in different ways.
No they aren’t and you should go read some of Robert Paxton’s books on fascism if you think they are.
China is indeed not fascist.
It is just an authoritarian police state with a smidge of genocide.
No arguments here. They are an authoritarian police state. Fascism is a specific ideology and thet aren’t pursuing it yet
I think it’s perfectly fair to prioritize yourself first. Politicians should do that.
But why does she want China last? That’s just hatred.
I remember when political news were pictures of people shaking hands and making trade agreements. These days it’s all screenshots of social media posts made from someone hiding in a basement or gated community. Trump refusing to answer a telephone call from Canada while using his phone to tweet out more bullshit is a new low.
American politics might be two sided team game, but international politics are not. Unfortunately for the republicans, they desperately need an opponent to make themselves relevant. They simply don’t have anything else to offer.
Casual racism is very American.
Populism FIRST. FFY
Neither country really has a leg to stand on here. China sucks too.
Taiwan #1!
I think China will.take the Taiwan #1 and use it as an argument that they, in fact, are #1
The circus is in town! Two clowns duking it out in the digital colosseum: one’s waving a flag, the other’s throwing shit. Meanwhile, we’re all fucked sideways by the system they represent. But sure, keep tweeting your little hearts out while Rome burns. At least the engagement’s good, right? Christ, we’re so far down the rabbit hole, Alice would need a fucking space shuttle to find us… Pass the soma, I’m checking out.
China’s system is better than the US’s
Nowhere close lol
Give some examples of how Americas system is better?
No, both are bad, you don’t want a social credit system
To be fair, we have no idea how many COVID infections or deaths China had or how many prisoners they have. It isn’t like they are the most transparent with either matter.
Everything else he said checks out. 🇺🇲
We have 2 million prisoners for 330 million people.
They claim 1.6 million prisoners for their 1.4 billion people.
Even if it were double what China claims, per capita we keep far more of our people in bondage, because we found and disgustingly prioritize the private profit in it. More prisoners for private for profit prisons, and more slave labor leased out to for profit corporations.
We put people in cages using any excuse to increase quarterly earnings expectations for our sociopath class. “Land of the free,” Lo fucking L.
It’s “Land of the fee”
We’ve been saying it wrong the whole time.
Oh… Oh! That makes sense.
Would you like to buy the R? That will be one soul please
All the R have been bought and paid for. So have most of the D, for that matter.
“Lan_ of the f_ee”
It would be flatly unsurprising if china had well over double what they claim.
At this point I trust their government and our government equally.
As an American, I would take the word of any single European union member nation over the word of both China and the US claiming anything in unison.
At least China has the guts to call out the West for supporting the genocide in Gaza, something out own Democratic party seems wholly incapable of.
It is easy calling out genocides from other nations.
Call me when they talk about their own genocides.
Ignore their own genocide against muslims, focus on the Jews.
Even in that regard, reeducation camps are better than for-profit prisons. They have different goals in mind.
Orbán likes this post.
The fucks in the republic party literally invited Orbán to have a speech and how to get shit done, US is not even first at effectively controlling state media and politicians bleeding it’s country dry
Sometimes I forget that Hungary is part of the EU. And that Hungary and Turkey are part of NATO. It’s the kind of thing I don’t like remembering.
The number of imprisoned is the point he made, not the per capita.
Yeah, everyone knows the US has more people per capita
deleted by creator
Who told you that the US government?
Joke’s on this guy, US is first at all of those!
It’s also a bit rich that the Chinese dude gets labeled by X as ‘state affiliated media’ (which it probably is) but X itself apparently not? Which it definitely is.
This whole screenshot is basically one state’s propaganda machine vs. another.
Just because the Chinese propaganda machine is acting the straight man in this particular interaction, doesn’t mean they don’t have skeletons in their own closet
A broken clock something something.
Yeah, while I agree with some of his jabs - it is immensely ironic that China is #1 in two of mentioned anti-US criticisms.
Go figure two assholes in a room and no one smells good
Yo very unrelated, but thank you for mentioning that phrase “skeletons in their own closet”! I’ve been listening to a song for a few months which uses that metaphor and I couldn’t exactly figure out what it meant (it’s in Greek and didnt expect that phrase to exist in english too). (This is the song if you care, lol.)
Germans have corpses in their basement.
I’ve seen that in English as well, as a more empathetic version of skeletons in the closet.
It exists in French too
And now you’re here!
as a canadian, i think it’s pretty safe to say the US is not first in much these days.
things have changed. a lot.
What are you talking about? He literally listed a bunch of things we’re first at!
Have you seen our defense budget?
Taiwan #1!
Aka; the rightful government of the entirety of China. May Taipei occupy Beijing once more
Occupy or liberate? I would say liberate, right?