We weren’t beat up, just socially ostracized. Also, being into science fiction, fantasy, anime, or cosplay would get you socially ostracized. Probably other things I’m forgetting.
It’s really weird seeing the ‘outsider’ things you were really into become brought into the mainstream. And the cynical part of you wonders how many of the people who are into it now, would still be into it if it was less socially acceptable.
I’m glad all y’all found your people, happy for you!
This is what happens when the Star Wars generation becomes adult and takes jobs and creates things.
They usually did not know we played D&D but likely assumed we did and in most cases were right.
Stranger Things helped normalize D&D.
Don’t forget the Satanic Panic and associated mess that lead D&D players to be called devil worshippers. Or maybe that was just in the cultural southern US (Kentucky, in my case).