Just curious what the hive mind over there is thinking. I used to lurk Reddit before I switched to Lemmy during the mass exodus.

I’ve really just been getting most of my news from Lemmy these days and not paying much attention to MSM. Obviously the things I’m reading here sounds like Isreal is commuting war crimes with their amped up response from the original attack.

Curious if there’s any kind of divide on Reddit regarding the conflict.

  • @DirkMcCallahan@lemmy.world
    769 months ago

    The news subreddit is filled with people who are trying to force a black-and-white, “If you criticize A then you must support B” view onto the whole conflict. Reddit was never exactly known for nuance, but it’s gotten worse since Rexit.

  • @Wulzzy
    279 months ago

    Pretty much the same. Conservative subreddits are pro-Israel, most other subeddits have pro-Palestinian sentiment. Haven’t seen any pro-Hamas stuff.

  • @MataVatnik@lemmy.world
    269 months ago

    It appears to be more siloed, more pro Israel stuff there at the start. Now more subreddits are pushing in of one thing or the other despite not being the subject of the subreddit. I was actually appalled when I went there after the first two days of the attack, it was a fucking cluster fuck of bloodlust against palestine.

    • Throwaway
      -159 months ago

      Well Palestine does hate women and lgbtq people, so that checks out. What I don’t get is why the lemmy hivemind supports them.

      • @MataVatnik@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I don’t support Palestine, I support their basic human rights so I’m against them getting obliterated with bombs. Plus, there are more layers to what Israel is doing to palestinians specifically in the West Bank and then they come to us crying playing the victim. Israel wants to be a colonial power, subjugating the Palestinian people, murdering their people, stealing their land. That’s fine! Just don’t come and bitch at me when those people hate you and want to kill you, and dont call me antisemitic when I ask you to fuck off. It’s pretty simple.

        • Rhynoplaz
          79 months ago

          That’s about where I’m at. The more I learn about it, the less I’m sure of. There really aren’t any good guys to root for, they’re just two groups fighting over land. I would prefer it if they didn’t blow each other up, but what do I know?

      • @AA5B@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I argue with everyone because this conflict is such a long and complex history that:

        — everyone wants to consider a vs b, but what about c? We really need to consider three sides

        – there’s plenty of history of violence on both sides so your result may differ based on your starting point

  • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world
    49 months ago

    The one sub I still check couldn’t give a fuck. It’s supposed to be a support group, but they tend to focus on news local to a specific area and that area is not Palestine.

  • spyd3r
    08 months ago

    Numerous subs are openly supporting terrorist groups and calling for genocide and the admins are doing nothing. Its getting ugly.