After the Red Hat mess I see many people saying IBM destroys everything they touch, but I can’t think of many examples of it. Can you tell me what else IBM has destroyed after acquiring it, or something good that they themselves developed and then ruined it with stupid corporate choices?
IBM bought the Weather Underground. It had a set of developer APIs that allowed small-scale apps to make use of their data. As soon as IBM bought them the APIs were changed and replaced with a set priced to be affordable only to other mega-corporations.
It killed a tiny little free app I had built around it. The real irony is that I took a deep breath, looked around, and adapted the app to use the Dark Skies API instead. A few years later Apple bought Dark Skies and killed off its API too. {heavy sigh}
You’re probably already aware of this, but now Pirate Weather ( offers a Dark Sky style API. I honestly don’t get amazing accuracy from it for my area, but it’s not awful.
I had heard of that, but was just too discouraged to try it at the time. Now that I’ve had some time to recover I should give it a look. Adapting my code to use it doesn’t look like it would take much effort.
Be careful. Zuckerberg is in the corner, watching you and waiting to pounce.
There has been a distinct difference with weather underground since IBM bought it. Mostly in the app performance, but for my money there is no better weather app in terms of accuracy and forecast.
My job relies on the weather and I have converted many people over the years.
Something about that story sounds awfully familiar…
I’ve talked about it over in that other place. :-)
Nice to see you here!
I was part of an acquisition, company was performing well against bigger players and IBM came in and threw a load of money at the owners.
Once we completed the transref of business we were paid massive retention bonuses, managers got company cars etc.
Not one sale of the product was made in the next 6 years and the business unit closed down. Previous CEO founded a competitor when his non compete clause ended and the customer base IBM had bought moved.
This is not an isolated occurrence.
IBM buys companies because it wants something the company has and it’s happy to throw away (sorry, divest) the bits it’s not interested in. That’s it. The people in the bought company, or their customers, may feel that the things that they valued and that made them precious have been destroyed, but IBM didn’t value them enough to preserve them.
They are driven by quarterly earnings. No company can be successful long term when focusing on maximum profit in the next three months. So they buy a company at the top and ride the money wave until they aren’t profitable, then sell the name or IP to another company, lather, rinse, repeat.
They did this with PCs, Storage, big data, Healthcare tech, etc etc. Now they are squeezing the last money juice out the cloud acquisitions because the market is saturated with viable competitors. They will do the same with AI and Quantum Computing in the future.
It is a viable strategy if you are big enough. Broadcom, and before them, Symantec are other examples.
Profit > Innovation
What does IBM’s work on Watson mean for their position in AI?
Are you saying IBM isn’t innovative? Dude, they like, effectively invented computers. The stuff they are doing with power10, their big mainframe systems and quantum computers (which I’m not sure if you are aware, aren’t profitable at all). If anything I would say IBM is the company that is innovating, nobody else is getting nearly as far in the future as they are.
Yes, they’ve been innovative years ago, but I feel like they haven’t been releasing any disruptive tech for a while now
No, they have some really awesome stuff, and they were driving to the edge in a lot of interesting areas. I just mean that they lose sight of the possible whenever the grim reaper of quarterly profits comes around. When MBAs run the show instead of engineers. Same thing happened with the Boeing 737 MAX. In my opinion short sighted drive for profit will almost always win in today’s publicly traded spaces.
This is a very narrow opinion and obviously doesn’t cover every scenario at every company, or even all of IBM. Just one person’s opinion on the internet.
Have you ever used this thing called “Lotus Notes” before?
Oh dear God.
Sametime is equally horrendous.
That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…
Back when emojis were novel in the corporate environment, I always questioned who at IBM decided a sheep emoji was a valuable addition. I mean, I used it in messages, but probably not in the way IBM intended…
Former Domino admin here. My last certification was for Notes/Domino 5, so it’s been a while.
Yeah, it sucked on the back end too. There were a few good things about it, but there are a lot reasons why Notes/Domino lost to Exchange, SQL Server, and Oracle. Mainly that those other products sucked less.
I worked with someone who moved their entire workload into notes, email, spreadsheets, browsing, embedded sametime, you name it he used notes for it.
Thank God they sold Thinkpad, then…
Tho I’m not so sure if Lenovo is doing any better…
You mean the Chinese company that put keyloggers into their firmware, said sorry we didn’t mean to when they were called out for it, but still didn’t remove it?
Yeah… I’m gonna go with not much better.
Exactly 🥹
I know about Superfish and the vulnerable (but not malicious in itself) firmware-embedded crapware. What was the keylogger story?
So it was in like 2013 or 14 so it was a long time ago and I might be remembering it wrong, but I remember it being reported that the firmware that was installed with Questionable functionality was found to be collecting and sending personal usage data back to Lenovo, specifically the Chinese branch based on the IP. I’m. Im not 100% sure if it was specifically keylogging, but it was definitely data that they had no business collecting so I might have remembered it as such.
I think you’re probably referring to one of the first two things listed on - Superfish was not in the firmware but was outright adware and a massive hazard (Lenovo got fined for it), while the Service Engine was just garbage with vulnerabilities but was indeed embedded in the firmware.
Didn’t IBM create the punchcard machines the nazis used to catalogue Jews? Genocide counts, right?
Yes, they did. And yes, it does.
IBM is a law firm wrapped in a tech company.
Source - 10+ years working with them and watching them keep their claws dug in with management.
This right here. When the company I worked for got bought by them our code got “blue washed” by a team of…lawyer/dev hybrids for lack of a better term. They ripped the shit out of our code. It took us years to unshitify it.
What does blue washed mean?
Bluewashed was a IBM term. Since IBMs main color is blue it went with everything. Bluetape, bluewash, blueshit, etc. Bluewashing to them was taking a program/app and doing a series of things to fuck it up.
- Strip out any code that might get them sued.
- Strip out any “bad” or “funny” comments in the code.
- If easily possible replace things like Apache for IBM HTTP server. Wildfly/Tomcat for IBM Websphere.
- Product must have an installer even if you have a product that the customer doesn’t install. There’s probably more that I blocked out but thats the tl;dr of it.
Oh speaking of Blueshit. If you wanted to order something like say a laptop dock for your new laptop. Try to order it through their “buy on demand” system.
Me: Ok its for my laptop so I can get work done.
Them: (Some asshat in Denmark) Denied, workstations are not allowed docking stations, mice, additional monitors etc.
Me: “hold my beer” Resubmit request: Lab equipment for the REDACTED lab, to support multiple monitors in the test environment.
Them: (Someone in France) Approved! You should see your equipment in 2-3 weeks.
Me: WTF??
Gotcha, so it’s IBM’s own brand of enshittification lol
Yes but think of it as a company with mostly infinite resources to infinity shitify
What does blue washed mean?
IBM started in my town and destroyed the whole town. They dumped toxic chemicals all over the place and then sold off and left this place a ghost town.
I think you spelled DuPont incorrectly
IBM raped my dog.
OS/2 was poised to be a really awesome operating system. Bad decisions and poor marketing really eff’ed that up. We could have had a full GUI, multi-user OS for consumers like 10 good years earlier than we did and it likely would have curbed Microsoft’s monopoly.
Solidifying a far stronger IBM monopoly in the process
Ibm has a reputation for destroying everything they touch thanks to one thing.
Profit at every cost.
Never trust a big corp, never expect anything from them except the intent to screw you. They’ll be expecting a thank you.
IBM bought a an innovative SAN company, and sold these products for a while as their XIV brand (no relation to my username!). Was pretty much superior in most ways to their home-grown SAN offerings.
They killed the entire line off, after the 3rd gen product; about all that remains of it is the management UI, they butchered it and applied it to their own SANs. But the UI was only a small part of what made XIV great.
The original XIV founder went on to found Infinidat, which basically carries on where XIV left off, it was a great migration to their hardware!
fwiw i work with a bunch of former ibmers.
super super nice people who are crazy smart.
but think something in their brains got wired differently when they worked there - they just build all sorts of amazing stuff without thinking about the strategy for it. who will use it, in what scenarios, how will it be supported once interest surpasses cycles of the creator.
not all indicative of the companies history or current reputation but interesting to see at the micro level
Every large company have this aspect, but they usually have this group as part of research. These research projects are unbridled, with no concern for business. The group is measured by the number of patents they file. A separate group then picks through the research output and figure out how to monetize it.
I suspect that they’re a very slow-moving corporate culture and likely mostly interested in value extraction over a long term. It’s a general opposite of move-fast-and-break-stuff.
You don’t expect IBM to provide paradigm-breaking sexy new things, you expect them to build boring corporate stuff that you support for decades and gradually crystallizes because you can’t break specific use cases.
It takes a specific kind to get excited about that.
The whole MCA and PS/2 fiasco is probably at its heart them overplaying their hand on a business level. The PS/2s were cleverly designed machines and MCA was impressive for a 1987 design, but they fell flat because the business guys wanted to use it to rebottle the genie that Compaq released.
I’ve heard that OS/2 got hamstrung by IBM promising too much business-wise. They sold 286s with the promise it would run OS/2, but the 286 was a pretty bad platform to juggle DOS software and more modern multitasking on, so it was jankier and more incomplete than it needed to be. Even before the era of direct competition, OS/2 had a rep of being expensive and aekward.
I wonder if it would have fared better if the MS-IBM partnership had started 3 yesrs later and targeted the 386 from day 1.
The whole PS/2 & OS/2 fiasco is probably what pushed the once great IBM away from hardware and software production into managed services and consulting which is where they make their money now. They are a contract sales driven company. Quarterly sales targets & bonuses is a good way to motivate the sales team. The problem is that IBM concider everything other than sales an expense to be minimized. They do not invest. They market. “Watson” did not represent AI innovation. It was just a marketing tool.
Anecdotally, every interaction I or many friends had with IBM left a “is this the 90s” taste.
It feels super disorganized but it’s still a big corp, “simple” dev position hard require a degree (like, their system just wouldn’t let a friend submit their application because they didn’t press the checkmark lol) - usually it’s not a hard requirement in our local market. I’m still waiting 5 years later for the VP of the BU I was interviewing at to return from his vacation to “approve my hire” LOL (for all concerned I found work at a different company… But still amusing to think about that guy spending 5 years in vacation…).Just examples, but feels like there’s some internal process/management failures higher up the food chain. Their devs create pretty innovative things, then nothing is actually done with that lol.
Unfortunately by destroying every startup they touch. The squeeze the money out of absolutely everything while not investing in it.
The only people that can afford something of theirs and are dumb enough to buy it are fortune 500s.