Last Sunday, while I was playing Xbox, my little bro (he’s 15, but I’m like more than double his age) asked me if I knew “these songs” obviously I’m unplugged from modern pop music so I didn’t knew a single one, just by curiousity I asked him to play some older music, specifically music from the time I arrived to the country I’m living now and he was fascinated about it.

Keep in mind he was born in this country, we have the same mother but different father, so this is technically “his music” but he never heard it because apparently it was too old, despite being pop hits back in 2006 - 07

Next day, he’s listening old music all by himself, and learning the lyrics. Maybe to impress his friends or whatever. I was never like that, even at his age. Then again after reaching my teenager years I basically stopped having friends. It’s amusing.

    2 months ago

    Girlfriend and I were sitting around with dad and his wife and mentioned that old 80s music. In 1992. Yeah. He gave me that look and his wife was absolutely cackling with glee.