Several hundred Google employees signed a petition opposing the drag show, saying it amounted to religious discrimination, CNBC reported.
If a drag show is religious discrimination against Christians, then a Christmas party is religious discrimination against Hindus.
Oh, the event held off-site, optional, open to the public, part of Pride is offensive to Christians?
Good. Their bigotry and hatred is offensive to people attending Pride.
I am wondering exactly which verse(s) of the Bible explicitly say drag-wearing is anti-christian.
Because without such references then a drag-show is not against their religion, it’s just something which their personal social values makes them dislike, and they lied about it being religious discrimination, at which point I’m wondering what is Google’s corporate policies towards those making false accusations of discrimination.
Religious people are fucking whacky sometimes
With Microsoft suddenly gaining ground with bing and Google not getting anything other than mail and search off the ground, I comfortably say: fuck Google for whatever, go shitty go broke