Trtworld is just Erdogan’s personal propaganda channel. Obviously this article is ok but I’m just saying
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If you agree with an article it’s ok, even from a biased source.
The protests were real???
I haven’t really kept up with this, so this is a genuine question—why are people protesting in the US about something going on in another country? What is the goal?
Because the US provides tons of money and weapons to Israel, which are supposed to be used for self-defense but are now being used to mass murder Palestinians.
This, plus the fact that the US refuses to be even slightly critical of Israel, whether media or state.
Israel has a fascist stranglehold over United States domestic policy. It is illegal to boycott the state of Israel. They spend millions of the dollars we support them with to interfere with domestic US politics. The state of Israel is an enemy of the American people.
I’ve been wondering why the US supports Israel so much considering it doesn’t do much for anyone else outside of Western Europe if there isn’t a secondary gain. Do you have any readings on these claims?
Not handy tonight, I am just very engaged with electoral politics and this is the conclusion I’ve reached after earning a degree in political science followed by 10 years of observations.
I wrote this comment in two sittings because I have too many responsibilities. Start with the wikipedia page for history of Israel. The unspoken answer to why the US supports Israel so much despite the lack of secondary gains is largely a consequence of Allied strategy going back to world war 1, but most of the geopolitical world except for the far east played a role in what Israel is today.
It is critically important to remember a few things.
that the anti Jewish progroms in the long lead up to the Holocaust first reached critical mass in the old Russian empire.
the Soviets betrayed Hitler eventually but they started WW2 on the side of the Reich and are still (lmao) not commonly considered an “allied” power the way other more anglo countries would fraternize.
Any would-be elders who survived the Holocaust and would speak authoritatively (subjective relative to the Israeli government) out from within Israel against the palestinean genocide are long dead by now and the Netanyahu administration is completely surrounded by yes men and weapons that they don’t deserve access to.
and TL;DR; The history of the region called Israel, Judea, Palestine, Levant… Whatever you want to call it, the land is completely soaked in blood going back for thousands of years and the United States of America has an enormous ego when it comes to world war 2, what it meant and what price the allies paid to stop the Holocaust.
I blame religion.
Ahh, that makes sense. Thank you! and good luck with your political science interests 🙂
I reckon it was Hitler that betrayed the Soviets, rather than the other way around.
Thanks for the reply, I understand now.
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It could. Not every ethnic cleansing has to be a Shoah for it to be bad
The goal is to influence the government to respond in a certain way, protests are a faster and more direct way to show support than sending letters and voting
There is a 0 percent chance of Israel doing anything ever if they weren’t confident they would have US backing
This isn’t accurate. They had zero problems trying to sink a US vessel as a false flag attack, for example.
what’s like living in your world?
Probably about the same as everyone else’s
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Here we are talking about living human beings and how they are treated. No one is talking about left or right. People are outraged by the continuous deterioration of the living conditions in a part of the world, that is controlled by Israel. Palestine is for a long time being turned into a open air prison camp, and turned 80% of its 2.3Mln population to rely on humanitarian aid. And if you find this OK, maybe you should seriously question your moral compass!
I don’t think that anyone is here defending Hamas, or rejecting that what they did is outrageous. But people are just not okay with what Israel is doing either, which can amount to blatantly committing systematic war crimes. Violence is never the answer and would only radicalize people on both sides of the fence.
I won’t even comment on how many hate crimes have been committed against Palestinians by the settlers or the 6-year old Muslim boy who was stabbed 26 times just now in the US.
I don’t think there is a group on earth which had as many hate crimes committed against them like the Jews. I wonder why you don’t care?
So according to your logic this should serve them as an excuse to do the same to other nations/people.
The only party interested in genocide is Hamas. And Iran.
Where did u get this stupid fucking idea?
Hm. They’re not very good at it then.
Looks like Israel is way better at genocide.
Hamas is doing 100% of what it can. And thankfully yeah, they’re not very good at it (well, recently they had a pretty horrific success).
Israel on the other hand isn’t anywhere near operating at capacity.
Ridiculous notion.
Palastinians can even get work permits and enter Israel.
Can you source that? Cuz there’s plenty of evidence about most of the West Bank being segregated to the point of Palestinians not being allowed to use streets that everyone (Israelis, tourists) can, Palestinians being forced to live in slums covered in nets to prevent debris from Israelis to hit them, Palestinian houses outside of Israel being demolished whenever Israel feels like it.
I don’t even know about Gaza. All of this was a mess way before the Hamas attack. Not too long ago, there was a visit from an American journalist with Palestinian parents to west Bank cities, to test waters. She was guided by Israelis who denounced the Israeli government. They were literally doing nothing, yet the moment they set foot in the West Bank they were raided and bullied by the IDF. It is reported that this is a thing that has been happening to literally every Palestinian. They had to be let go since they were not Palestinians and toured one of the major west Bank cities to show what it looks like in there. It gets stupid to the point that Palestinians who live next to the whole lot of checkpoints can’t have visits at home since checkpoints do not allow for anything but to pass from one zone of the city to another, not to houses next to them. It was a very heartbreaking thing to see, the whole tour.
Add those living conditions to a lack of education and one can very well understand why they voted for someone that promises them to get rid of their aggressor, even if that someone is a terrorist organisation. They know no better, all they have seen in their lifes has been bullying and hell on earth.
Is that why they beheaded babies, paraded naked women before/after raping/killing them, targeted civilian congregations and killed them without warning? Wait.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Both sides have done wrong. Isreal has attacked ambulances unprovoked. Hamas attacked Isreal at a music fest. Isreal retaliated by attacking schools and hospitals (aka, people that had nothing to do with said attack) Isreal has been subjugating Gaza to sub-human conditions for 20+ years. The attack on the music fest isn’t justified but it is understandable.
Again. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Hamas launches their rockets from random roofs, stores the rockets in schools and hospitals. The blood is on Hamas hands.
Still shit when innocent people get hit, no question. Israel has their fare share of atrocities, so no need to “give” them some of Hamas shit.
Is that suitable justification of a genocide? That some people of a ethnic group committed heinous terrorist acts? How many people individuals can condemn an entire race of people? 1, 5, 2000, 10,000?
I don’t think any babies were beheaded
Seems that one might be a mistake. But the rest isn’t, instead they did things like tie children and then shoot them.
That’s not what was confirmed. Not all of the 40 murdered babies (from one village) were beheaded. At least one was.
oh? do you have a reliable source for that?
The original source i24 didn’t claim 40 beheadings. It claimed 40 deaths some beheadings.
so how many children do you have proof were beheaded
Woah if you didn’t include the two item, one cannot and refused to be confirmed to the point that White House have to issue a statement saying they just “heard” from the Israel Authority, and one you’re so undecided which is which, i’d thought you’re talking about Israel.
Israel parades dead people, let alone innocent ones, through town with a cheering crowd?
She is still alive.
The girl paraded on a truck lying motionless, her face down, with her legs completely mangled up, while kids were spitting on her?
From her mother. But it won:t be long because, as we all know, Gaza is being bombed indiscriminately.
Hey, she wan’t alive after all…
Yeah 😢
That’s a relief, despite her current state. I really hope she gets sent back home asap