I poked around a while and couldn’t find anything, I see memes from y’all all the time and the progressive nature of Star Trek has got me. I wanna watch it.

Where do I begin?

  • ClarkDoom@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If you’re new to Trek, start with season 3 of TNG to get your proper Trek indoctrination. Then proceed on to DS9 and Voyager and onward to the current generation of shows. If you love it after watching that then go back to the campy TOS stuff and move forward from there until you circle back on TNG season 3.

    I know it sounds weird to start on season 3 of a show but if you follow this order you’ll understand why. Trek didn’t become what most fans love until Roddenberry stopped being directly involved. He was a great dude for starting the universe but he’s also responsible for some of the worst decisions and episodes of the franchise. Before people get mad about me saying this please think about all the awful skippable episodes of season 2 and 3 of TOS and the low quality TOS scripts that were recycled in seasons 1 and 2 of TNG.

    Also a pro tip for someone new, ignore anyone that says Trek ended after Voyager. Thats the neckbeard/anti-woke section of the fan base that is small but loud.