My social media environment (mostly Lemmy for the last year, after I left Reddit) is very leftist. I’m finding myself floating more and more left because y’all have a point and there’s not many counter-arguments in this social media environment. I sometimes wonder if that’s how MAGA folks feel–floating more and more right because that’s what they’re surrounded by.

Of course, my floating is (naturally /s) based on reason and leftists making good memes/arguments.

Anyways, that’s this morning’s introspection.

Side showerthought: my convictions are based on memes. Anyone have nice, accessible resources for giving those convictions a more solid base? I’d love something like a graphic history of leftist thought (similar to Queer: A Graphic History). Something approachable but with citations. Thanks :)

    2 months ago

    That’s a false dichotomy. Centrism isn’t inherently noble, either.

    When the far right starts questioning arithmetic the way they question climate change will it be noble to doubt 2+2 = 4?

    You need to think for yourself rather than expecting the correct answer to be some average of the prevailing ideas.

    “How about just a little genocide”