Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 22°C, max - 27°C. 25% chance of at least 20mm rain
Had a super deep but also at times heavy conversation with a family friend here about a family member we mutually know who has had a lot of troubles and is going through a really tough time readjusting to life after being institutionalised. As opposed to being sad and draining, it was a really invigorating and honest conversation despite the really intense emotions that came up at times… I feel alive because this is what life is about, it feels real.
really grateful for these conversations and being at a stage of my life where I can freely engage in them above the veneer of pleasantries that much of life consists of.
Maggie not complaining. Was out there when the thunder hit. All the other birds freaked out but not her. She’s a professional.
This humidity can get FARKED
Melbourne being storm-cucked ffs
Tropical Meat rejoices.
This potato is damp and sprouting roots in the dark. 🥔💦
Hey if it wants to edge let it edge. Just means the storm will blow that much harder when it finally arrives.
I’m currently considering a trip up to Darwin to visit my family, and days like this make me reconsider
I want to go to Darwin, just to tick it off my capital city list - but I also don’t due to the tropical climate up there.
I have Darwin and Sydney left, been to the other ones. Liked Hobart the most due to it being super cold (barring the heatwave they have atm).
I hope you can see your fam soon! Regardless of the humidity! 💜
Had a wonderful night catching up with friends ❤️
Also I have this that I got from hard rubbish and had framed
I love that so damn much
It’s from a series by NASA! They made these travel posters for real planets! It was so damn cool!!!
Edit: I’m going to get a few more. They are a sci fi nerds dream lol
Oh shiet! Another website to save when I’m flush 😂😂
55 Cancri E is my fav I think 🌋
That is a nice one! My next fave is Trappist-1e
Love Trappist-1e!
I adore the telescope posters too, love the James Webb and the NuSTAR and Spritzer - the colours are hypnotising
Oh man, just noticed another neighbour’s SUV is sitting their driveway with the sunroof open.
They’re away for the weekend too. I threw some large plastic bags over it and taped it to the windows. Hope it holds.
Hope it was an old low tech one!
Less than 12 months old 😁
oh dear!
I’m going to do so little work tomorrow lol
It was nice having a holiday. My probation is up in 10 days.
Still wish I was i had her life though
Have spent most of the afternoon getting all the Lego we own in the house for inventory. We have 3 sets which have never been opened, several almost completed sets (they were completed but bits fell off), most of the assembly books for the sets we have, and two additional 35L tubs choc full of Lego. There’s a place that’ll buy unsorted, preowned Lego by the kg. The kids have been sorting Lego from non-Lego and playing with it all afternoon. There’s some we’ll keep, but the rest has got to go. So many memories! I’ve been buying Lego for the kids for 10 years! It’s basically 2 giant suitcases full and we need the money and lack the room.
Almost all in. Only thing left are the poppies.
Hoping it’s overgrown af eventually (without weeds).
Jelly. There’s a lot of room there for mulch
Tonight’s beach
sea pretty
I’m patiently waiting for my neighbour to start watering his garden.
Marge, babe, you couldn’t have waited five minutes?
It’s coming down in sheets and I’m soaked from head to foot, and I was only caught in it for two minutes
Dutton also said the Coalition would increase the number of Medicare-subsidised psychological sessions from 10 to 20 “on a permanent basis”.
This should be Labor policy, though people should not be forced to stop seeing a psychologist after any length of time, if they still need it.
This should be just Medicare policy, period. Same with dental, and same with everything medicine related really.
There is a logistical problem with that, unfortunately. There are only so many psychs in this country, and each psych can only see so many patients at a time
If we end up in a situation where demand outstrips supply (as it often does) and there’s no clear end point for moving into a less intensive phase of management we’re still going to have the same problem of “people, including quite acutely ill people, needing care and not getting it.”
Then in my opinion we need to hugely incentivise there to be more psychologists in our country, to have an over supply even.
Bucketed on me and my friends head as soon as we set up chess pieces in the park. Then had to help her calm down to drive for the first time in rain, and it was severe with flooding streets etc. escalated quite quickly! I’m home safe now but the streets were fucked. Friend confident getting herself home after a pep talk
Everything is making me angry and sad, I’ve been trying to work out why as I recognise it’s irrational.
Turns out, it’s just my stupid uterus making itself the centre of attention again 🙄 such an attention seeker, it would fit right in with a mean girl clique lol
I just ate 3 of those cadbury popping candy elf things. I don’t even like popping candy, so I guess I’ll be joining you at the mean girl club tomorrow.
Oooo we can be fat and sassy together
damn I hated the hormone roller coaster of emotions, don’t miss the tears for absolutely no reason
but I miss the extra bit of fire hormones gave me
I just teared up before because I’m so over these carpet moths. I think I got them, and then I find more 🙄
My home smells like vinegar lol
And I cannot wait til I get menopause and after, this shit is so damn annoying 😂
They briefly came back for me too. I think they’re getting in via dry goods from the supermarket so I’m going to go back to putting that stuff in the freezer for a bit when it arrives to kill any eggs.
And I bought more snap shut plastic containers (though that’s not always moth proof)
I find vacuuming the carpets to get any eggs helps the most of everything after that
My big vacuum is farked, it started smelling like burning plastic. So I’ve been charging the small handheld one and going room by room. It’s hard because the carpet is very thick and woolly - I’m just mentally struggling with it all I’m sorry 😔
Nooo I didn’t mean it like that. :(
I’m also struggling hugely with vacuuming because of the noise and the energy. Was just saying that it seemed to work more than the vinegar
Oh yeah! I didn’t take it the wrong way! Promise! I’m on the rag so my mood is all over, hence the apology - it was in advance in case my text sounded weird!
Thank you for the tips, truly! You know much more about how to keep a home safe and clean, and I just really admire you. Any tips you have are always welcome promise!!!
My posts make me sound clean but I’m just scrambling to dig myself out of a hole… and only posting the clean parts
You should see this dump
It finally happened. Had to pull a floater out of the bath last night. Can’t believe it took nearly 2 years to happen.
How big we talking?
little kids can do surprisingly big poops …lol
I am so grateful Miss Seagoon never did anything like that. she was such an easy kid
Same. You hear of kids finger painting the walls. Lol
you hear of adults finger painting the walls of Congress n/k
Noice Tinyboy. Better in the bath than on the carpet.
Honestly cat shit is far far worse than anything a small child can produce.
I have a cat, and prefer cat shit over human shit tbh. I never gag cleaning up cat shit or anything, but human? “No way, get fucked, fuck off” 😂