BBC Verify has confirmed women and young children were killed when a strike hit their vehicles as they headed away from northern Gaza

Analysis of images from the scene show some of those who died were aged between two and five

Israel has warned 1.1m Palestinians living in north Gaza to evacuate south, and thousands have been fleeing by vehicle or on foot

    1 year ago

    Will there be proportional outcries for the loss of these civilians by the Israeli apologists?

    Of course not.

    I’m also sure this will totally not make more terrorists out of the surviving family members…

        151 year ago

        Upvoted, thanks for keeping me grounded. That’s compelling. As much blame as I give Israel in all this I don’t see that being an air strike after watching countless videos from Ukraine. I think Israel does have low-yield bombs, considering their “roof knockers,” and this could be secondary (eg, someone hauling gas/propane.)

        Nevertheless I agree Hamas has more to gain in framing Israel here.

  • ???
    1 year ago

    Look at this

    Video released by the Palestinian health ministry shows ambulance crews arriving at the scene of the airstrike.

    One ambulance crew came under fire as they were tending to a young girl and a woman inside the ambulance.

    CLASSIC ISRAEL. Kill civilians. Shoot at ambulances trying to help civilians, then claim that the Palestinians did it to themselves.

    So again we have confirmed video evidence that the ambulance responding to this got hit directly… And I still see people here want to shroud it in mystery and skepticism.

    I get it. I’m a skeptic. I understand that it is important to confirm from the Israeli side. However, Israel lies in the media nonstop and then simply gets away with it. It’s Israel’s claims that need to be confirmed, not the Gazan health ministry. Israel simply brushes it aside and says, “pfff no idea could be Hamas booby traps.”

    No, Israel, fuck you, explain these dead people now. Fucking explain this.

    And why was that ambulance hit? Why have we seen so many videos and images of hit ambulances and news of dead medical staff and Israel won’t even give the slightest fuck to inconvenience itself and explain its crimes?

    • @Browning
      131 year ago

      This is why they are so keen to target electricity and journalists. It ensures that the news is dominated by one side of the story.

  • ryan213
    71 year ago

    But the News is telling me Israel are the good guys and what they’re doing is not a war crime.

        1 year ago

        Sure, it says it right here:

        Deuteronomy 13:6-11

        6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.

          1 year ago

          Yeah, but like, show me some real examples in 2023. Because we’re looking at a movement in Hamas that literally wants all non-believers executed. Like, show me the equivalent Christian or any other denomination equivalent of what Hamas leadership put out a few days ago. Radical Islam’s “take no prisoners” approach to its proliferation is at odds with civilized society. Weapons tech is catching up with this problem though. Going to be an interesting future.

              -51 year ago

              Let me be most-clear: crusades are back on the menu and I have non-muslim daughters these savages would just love to rape and torture should they advance their jihad far enough to make it to our soil.

              Fuck them all… I’d say bomb them into the stone age but they’re already there. Any further questions? These goalposts have been firmly planted for a millenia.

                51 year ago

                show me on the Christianity where…


                Ok but not like that

                Moving goalposts. Pretty clear, and also a pretty disgusting view.

            1 year ago

            First, I think all organized religion is at best regressive, and at worst completely at odds with creating the ideal model for society. This is doubly true for ALL Abrahamic religions including their various sub-divisions or denominations. They all either overlook, condone, or outright support the abhorrent morally bankrupt prescriptions made by their respective holy books and leaders up to and including their “god”.

            With that being said, let’s not act like there is any religion that comes even close to rivaling Christianity for the total amount of violence, war, and collateral damage caused in its name. Let’s also not act like there aren’t ongoing attempts by Christian Nationalists in the United States to erase the last century of social progress the second they gain any political power.

            Ultimately though, what matters in this conversation is that you formulated a premise that I then completely destroyed. So then you decided to shift the conversation, and out yourself as a bigot in the process. If you have legitimate objections against Islam that’s one thing, but you’re calling for the same kind of violent ethnic cleansing that you think makes Muslim extremists “savages”.

            So, what does that say about you? It says you are a hypocrite, a moron, and nobody should take you seriously because you care more about acting tough on the internet than coming up with anything of intellectual substance to discuss.

    -91 year ago

    Reminder Hamas lied to Gazans and told them the warnings from Israel were fake.

    Hamas NEEDS human shields for the pr.

    This is the pr. The blood of those people are on Hamas’ hands. They don’t care about civilian life.

    Israel is not going to stop until Hamas has been eliminated. Hamas is going to kill as many civilians as they possibly can to delay that from happening.

      51 year ago

      Israel bombed the exit while people were trying to leave and they bombed a civilian convoy while people were trying to leave. They also bombed ambulances that were helping people who got bombed while trying to leave. If Hamas’s claim was that Israel would bomb people trying to leave, then that turned out to be the truth and the warnings from Israel really were fake.