Not union related but just an apropos … Our company had a whiteboard where people could write things to improve the workplace. Some people said more compliments! but eventually serious stuff like a decent health plan and pay raises got on there.
Management saw this and held a meeting where they hired this guy that climbed Mount Everest to motivate us and eventually told us to look inward when there’s problems. I was like, wtf is this shit? But it did work on a few people. They were all, “yeah, I should think about what I could do …”
Immediately started applying for jobs after that shit.
This is fucking gold to me. The exact sentiment I feel about my workplace.
I feel like I missed a post about some company having a pizza party and wondering why their employees are still unhappy. This must be the fifth pizza party post I’ve seen today. Can someone help me out?
I don’t know whether there was one original pizza-party-incident, but the pizza party has become kind of a symbol for corporations doing very cheap symbolic shit instead of real solutions (that would of course cost a bit more in the short term) when it comes to employee satisfaction.
My company does it all the time.
Exactly what the other guy said. Instead of changing the way things work, Pizza Parties are being held.
Or similarly: what stops a burnt out doctor in an overrun hospital? Rehab? No! Its resilience Training. According to corporate.
Ours had a beer and wine party.
Mine got our whole department of 9 people lunch once every 2 months from a local pizza place for maybe $100 each time. My bosses, bosses, boss apparently complained of how much was being spent on lunches.
To put that to a scale, I ordered between $10k-$20k in supplies each week. I cleaned out my area one day and threw $20k of unboxed equipment in the trash without any need to check with anyone. Corporate netted $70M a year off our small operation. That profit was, to them, a drop in the bucket.
Those lunches must have looked really bad on paper.
UN → Japan why?
But they didn’t have a melon party.
Alfredo’s pizza cafe or pizza by Alfredo?
I’m officially neutral on the topic because there are too many factors involved in each respective workplace and CBO. That said, a leading union-busting firm, LRI, states the absolute worst enemy of a union organizer is a workforce of well-treated, happy employees. Unions can’t penetrate them. This is all too much to ask for many employers.