• supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz
    3 months ago

    I… really don’t think that’s what’s happening? At least barring the aforementioned delusional people. If anything, jobs that are considered horrible and demeaning like certain teachers and nurses get MORE sympathy from the public exactly because we see that’s a terrible way of living and that’s not okay

    What does sympathy matter to the subjects of said sympathy? The whole “essential worker” thing is a load of feel good bullshit people tell themselves to absolve themselves of guilt for participating in a society that brutally exploits the economically vulnerable.

    My point is this is precisely why people both shit on fastfood workers and then tell themselves nonsense about how society treats them as essential workers. It is about narratives around how little someone can be worth and what kind of ideologies become normalized when you decide it is ok to decide for a massive workface that the only way to make their lives better is to eliminate their livelihoods abruptly and without consulting unions or any representative of the workforce in question.

    Instead your perspective presupposes this kind of approach defined by serial bullshitters/MBA majors could ever actually be kind and helpful to the people having their livelihoods further dehumanized in favor of bigger and bigger profits.

    I suggest we stop listening to tech bros who think what we “need” is to treat fastfood workers like they are temporary replacements for robots until we can replace them completely with robots (which there is no conclusive evidence will ever really work and actually quite a bit of evidence it won’t).

    I suggest we start putting robber barons (CEOs of massive corporations) in jail and use that money to raise wages and benefits to fastfood workers. A couple more Luigis wouldn’t hurt either.

    This is a war and the ruling class understands that perfectly, I suggest we start acting accordingly and put unquestionable solidarity with other workers first. Period.