$250 seems like a normal price for Apple peripherals.
Yeah you’re buying not only an apple preheprial but a defacto limited edition, vintage one. No ones gonna charge you less for that once they figure out how to market it.
Wow, I knew holding onto that thing would pay off
I had one of these. I sold it 10 years ago for about double what they cost new when I bought it. For a period of time they couldn’t give these things away and I’m fairly certain I bought mine open box at MicroCenter.
Funny thing is, I still use it with my Cinema Display, which all works just handy dandy, just one dead pixel.
A big problem with this is that if someone is goodwilled and sells their own adapter on eBay for cheap. Someone else would buy it to sell it at the 250,- price for profit.
What’s that, the company infamous for being restrictive as hell in regards to usability, interoperability, repair, and even infamously went to court to defend their right to throttle their consumer’s hardware capabilities to force them to upgrade isn’t supporting their legacy hardware?
Apple never sold this dongle. Belkin did. The video card typically has two connectors and this allows you to use a second standard monitor, which was not common at the time.
ADC is an Apple proprietary connector and Apple did sell the dongles for $149 & $99 back when.
I’m fairly certain that Apple’s dongles connect an ADC monitor to a DVI video card. The Belkin connector does the opposite. I’m not positive Apple didn’t make a similar Adapter but i know I paid more like $30 for the Belkin adapter I bought for a PowerMac G4 tower.
But it’s made by Belkin
Fyi, this case is a bit different than other Apple issues. For one thing, the ADC port the adapter is for apparently only showed up on the G4/G5 Power Mac and G4 Cube. Secondly, the ADC connector is, on paper, superior to DVI as it can not only carry video (both digital and analog, which normally require different DVI ports), but also audio, USB and power. In reality it didn’t work so well because the couldn’t carry enough power to run a CRT or even the higher-ens cinema displays. This lead to Apple realizing they screwed up and discontinued it in support of an unbundled cable.
I could design and produce a small batch of those adaptors.
Would anyone be interested in getting a prototype and helping to test it?
Wait, you’re saying I can resell my old adp to dvi connectors for up to $250?
Someone’s about to make an easy grand…
Hey, what’ll ya give me for some FireWire cables? Ooh, I got an old pre USB keyboard and mouse too!
All the second hand stores should have a picture of this
I think I have that same exact dongle.
Both Linux and Apple users make the choice to shoot themselves in the foot, but only the other group constantly whines how much their foot hurts.
You do know that one of them is an operating system basically a bunch of zeros and ones and the other one is a company? Just to shit on linux you put it into a totally unrelated sentence.
I’m a linux user myself. I tried to shit on Apple, but I guess I somehow missed?
Congratulations, you just shit yourself
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