Agreed, even the web UI is sorely lacking. A few ideas as places to get started:
Community Modlog available in client
Remove post / comment
Ban user (with checkbox to remove all posts)
Community search box (used to check duplicates and certain bad words) (also mod action should be able to be taken from search results)
More advanced options that would be awesome to have and would give features even the web UI is missing:
Thread nuking (recursive delete) as some threads devolve into totally toxic flak wars and I just want to remove a comment and all under it (the starting point could sometimes be a few replies in and not necessarily a top comment)
Search lists with regular expressions where I can one button run an advanced search list on a community I moderate with the matches highlighted within the comments or posts returned
Agreed, even the web UI is sorely lacking. A few ideas as places to get started:
More advanced options that would be awesome to have and would give features even the web UI is missing: