Last week, The Biden Administration announced their national action plan to end gender-based violence. The plan defines gender-based violence as “any harmful
It’s sad that this needs to be spelled out but I thought it was quite clear from my comment that regardless of proposed policies put in place, the corruption of the officials putting those policies in place ensures that gender-based violence is not put to an end given that it’s so embedded in the culture that the guy proposing it is openly and publicly able to do it himself. If you understood anything about DV you would understand that reading an article headline like that is inflammatory - and scoffworthy - we may as well be reading “Biden administration introduces plan to end racism, it looks promising”. Try telling that to people of colour who suffer through it every day. There was nothing wrong with my comment and it’s pretty abhorrent that you felt fit to remove it, let alone labelled it as inflammatory and meaningless, while the guy who responded with something actually reportable got nothing.
To be absolutely clear, I think this is a completely reasonable take - I have nothing but scorn for Biden and his centrist policies. He’s contributed negatively to a lot of institutionalized racism and other forms of bigotry in the US (hello prison industrial complex) and I both support and want to see you and others calling him out for regularly saying one thing and doing something else.
But that nuance was not present in your original comment and it is necessary to have a productive conversation and to prevent others for pointing at the admins and moderators and calling them twofaced for allowing certain content and removing other content. Thank you for taking the time to explain your position. You certainly don’t have to and you don’t owe anyone your time or energy for education, but hopefully the above explanation can help you to understand why we choose to remove some content even when we agree with the spirit or idea behind the post/reply.
You’re right, I don’t owe you my time and energy in explaining what I said as none of it was inflammatory (and in fact the response comment was, which you gloss over) and I completely disagree that such a nuance needed to be present in my original comment, otherwise every comment on this website would be paragraphs long justifying themselves merely for existing. My original comment was fine as it was.
you are kind of missing the point being made here. if you want to have a productive conversation with people about this you need to not just throw bombs in ostensibly unrelated topics, but support why you’re throwing the bombs, which i really don’t think is too much of an ask based on your replies so far. the very first reply to your comment was also not productive (and i’d note, also removed, you’re not being singled out here)–and that’s because you completely failed to set it up any potential conversation here as worth having. i would have also removed it on that grounds and spoiler: i am a minority and don’t like joe biden either!
“ostensibly unrelated topics” yeah see we covered that a while ago, maybe you should be paying attention before writing up a retort that you think holds value just because you obfuscated it with a bit of bs.
Not to mention trying to gang up on a commenter as an admin team just shows how little justification you had that you need to drown out my words with your nonsense.
i think we’ve about exhausted the charity that can be given here and i’m not interested in coddling you so put bluntly: you’re not special or the center of the universe, you are a random account that’s been here for eight days and has more posts whining in this thread than on the rest of the site combined. post more productively in the future, lurk more and be generally quieter when you have unproductive things to say, or go away. i don’t care which, but you’re not worthy of any further serious time and continuing to complain will have us exercise the third option on your behalf. we have given you the tools to not have your posts removed, and i trust that you are an adult capable of following instructions.
There are some of us here who are not part of the admin team and yet would prefer to discuss the original topic, not your argumentative posts about moderation. Well, at least one of us.
It’s sad that this needs to be spelled out but I thought it was quite clear from my comment that regardless of proposed policies put in place, the corruption of the officials putting those policies in place ensures that gender-based violence is not put to an end given that it’s so embedded in the culture that the guy proposing it is openly and publicly able to do it himself. If you understood anything about DV you would understand that reading an article headline like that is inflammatory - and scoffworthy - we may as well be reading “Biden administration introduces plan to end racism, it looks promising”. Try telling that to people of colour who suffer through it every day. There was nothing wrong with my comment and it’s pretty abhorrent that you felt fit to remove it, let alone labelled it as inflammatory and meaningless, while the guy who responded with something actually reportable got nothing.
To be absolutely clear, I think this is a completely reasonable take - I have nothing but scorn for Biden and his centrist policies. He’s contributed negatively to a lot of institutionalized racism and other forms of bigotry in the US (hello prison industrial complex) and I both support and want to see you and others calling him out for regularly saying one thing and doing something else.
But that nuance was not present in your original comment and it is necessary to have a productive conversation and to prevent others for pointing at the admins and moderators and calling them twofaced for allowing certain content and removing other content. Thank you for taking the time to explain your position. You certainly don’t have to and you don’t owe anyone your time or energy for education, but hopefully the above explanation can help you to understand why we choose to remove some content even when we agree with the spirit or idea behind the post/reply.
You’re right, I don’t owe you my time and energy in explaining what I said as none of it was inflammatory (and in fact the response comment was, which you gloss over) and I completely disagree that such a nuance needed to be present in my original comment, otherwise every comment on this website would be paragraphs long justifying themselves merely for existing. My original comment was fine as it was.
you are kind of missing the point being made here. if you want to have a productive conversation with people about this you need to not just throw bombs in ostensibly unrelated topics, but support why you’re throwing the bombs, which i really don’t think is too much of an ask based on your replies so far. the very first reply to your comment was also not productive (and i’d note, also removed, you’re not being singled out here)–and that’s because you completely failed to set it up any potential conversation here as worth having. i would have also removed it on that grounds and spoiler: i am a minority and don’t like joe biden either!
“ostensibly unrelated topics” yeah see we covered that a while ago, maybe you should be paying attention before writing up a retort that you think holds value just because you obfuscated it with a bit of bs.
Not to mention trying to gang up on a commenter as an admin team just shows how little justification you had that you need to drown out my words with your nonsense.
i think we’ve about exhausted the charity that can be given here and i’m not interested in coddling you so put bluntly: you’re not special or the center of the universe, you are a random account that’s been here for eight days and has more posts whining in this thread than on the rest of the site combined. post more productively in the future, lurk more and be generally quieter when you have unproductive things to say, or go away. i don’t care which, but you’re not worthy of any further serious time and continuing to complain will have us exercise the third option on your behalf. we have given you the tools to not have your posts removed, and i trust that you are an adult capable of following instructions.
There are some of us here who are not part of the admin team and yet would prefer to discuss the original topic, not your argumentative posts about moderation. Well, at least one of us.