With Twitter moderation teams demolished from the Musk takeover, it is obvious to anyone watching current events that Twitter is the easiest place to spread misinformation.

I think we all knew the next major geopolitical event would have huge issues with regards to Twitter misinfo. So here it is. Let’s hope Europe actually does something about it though

  • @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    57 months ago

    Considering the steadfastness of European resolve in the current conflict and the swiftness with which they are reacting, here’s hoping finally this issue is big enough to break the camel’s back and financially flush the moral cesspool formerly known as twitter down the proverbial toilet.

  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
    -77 months ago

    As if the richest man in the world cares about what a not democratically legitimized administration wants from him.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      what a not democratically legitimized administration wants from him.

      I’ve seen musklovers say that a couple times now…

      Like, do you think regulatory agencies should be elected?

      What exactly are you trying to argue?

      And why are you all calling a regulatory agency an administration?

      I have so many questions but I know all your answers are going to be disappointing