• SmokeyDope@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The symbolism of the windows is a physical allusion to the differing in preferences of two different kinds of people. One household prefers open cool air drafts while the other prefers warm still air. They share the same physical structure like a old split up town home so it may be another source of contention not ever getting the house preference perfect.

    Honestly I think the cats there just for a cute detail for those looking close, perhaps the artist made a mistake or blot with the shadow and turned it into a feature. Not everything has to have five layers deep symbolic meta-meaning. Its a cute black cat.

    The man is dressed like that because he just got home from work, while the elderly woman probably stays at home as a houe wife as was the traditional dynamic for many of the older generation.

    The young pot smoking couple represents a younger generation with different values and ethics. This particular couple seem slightly slobby allowing their trash and weed to bleed into the others property while unconcerned with appearances or judgments from others. As a pot smoker I don’t like my herb associated with selfish littering jerks but those types do exist I guess.

    • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Thanks. I look like the bad neighbor in the summer, minus the weight and the hair, and I definitely don’t litter my beer cans. Or grow my own weed yet.