So, I’ve got a particular want here and I’m not sure which weapon might satisfy what I’m after.

I want something with no or minimal scope that would be a good candidate to have both Primary Acuity and Semi-Rifle Cannonade. Only weapons that come to my mind are either sniper-rifles, which have scopes, or the Latron. I wouldn’t mind reacquiring the Latron for this kind of build but if there’s something else, especially something I’ve never had before, that’d be better.

So, what weapons fit these criteria?

    3 months ago

    Would probably be between the Rubico with Amush Optics, Latron and the Prisma Grinlok.

    With ambush optics you can reduce the Rubico’s zoom by 50%, in settings you can also remove the Scope UI under HUD. It also has some innate punch-through, combo multiplier and its scoped passive increases crit damage. It does have a small magazine so you might want to consider something like Arcane Momentum.

    Latron is probably the best just due to it having an incarnon form, it also has access to Double Tap - Somewhat less effective because you don’t have multishot. It has a long reload of 2.4s so the Double Tap buff will expire between reloads without warframe buffs/modding for reload speed.

    Prisma Grinlok (Baro weapon) hits fairly hard, and has the Deadly Sequence Mod for extra crit chance. It has decent slash weighting too + status chance too, less useful without multi-shot.

    Veldt is a worse Grinlok if you aren’t interested in weapons with zoom, it does have better fire rate but unless you have a riven for it already, I probably wouldn’t invest in it.

    I really wish we had more choices for marksman style rifles, they’re generally the type of weapon I gravitate to when picking a loadout.