Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32 l Chapter 33 l Chapter 34 l Chapter 35 l Chapter 36 l Chapter 37 l Chapter 38 l Chapter 39 l Chapter 40 l Chapter 41l Chapter 42l Chapter 43 l
Chapter 44 l Chapter 45 l Chapter 46 l Chapter 47 l Chapter 48

Fire and brimstone burst into horrific plumes over the desolate canyons, cliffs and hillsides of a barren wasteland.

The cries of many are heard as horrific vestiges of man and beast crawl, fly and meander over the ruined landscape.

The air is hot, thick with fumes and choked with smoke and dust.

High in the far corner, a pile of writhing bodies pulses and drips with blood and sinew.

A pile of corpses, a number of which crushed under the weight of those above, adding to the screams of the damned. Those few fortunate enough to be at the top of this pile, claw and drag themselves out from the crush of bodies.

Hurtling downwards from above, faster than most, is a single figure.

His back shows where a pair of wings once sprouted, his hair a mixed salt and pepper and his face that of a middle aged man.

A tattered uniform covers his body, a golden gauntlet on his right hand.

He holds this gauntlet clad hand out as he falls towards the stone floor of the Hellish domain.

As he lands, his gauntlet shatters, his arm breaks, and he tumbles haphazardly across the ground.

He lays still for a few painful moments, his breathing heavy and labored before his voice, filled with hatred and vitriol, escapes his thin lips, “…I will make every last one of them suffer for their betrayal.”

With agonizing slowness the fallen man heaves himself to his knees, his crimson red eyes slowly focusing on the world around him.

The man is Xyphiel. The former Scribe Lord once known as Kirggary and most recently: former ruler of Hell and Avatar of Pride.

Fallen now from his previous stations, his damned soul smashed upon the rock, Xyphiel struggles to merely stand. His spirit battered, battle scarred, and hindered as he shakily managed to his feet.

“I will…” Xyphiel coughed up a glob of blood before continuing his tirade, “Claw my way up from this pit…” Xyphiel cursed at no one in particular, “And I will exact my revenge!” He wheezed in anger.

“Will you, now?” A condescending feminine voice called from behind him before the sound of feet landing dainty on the stone nearby caught Xyphiel’s attention.

Xyphiel turned to see a surprising sight.

Standing before him was a woman, her black angelic wings sprouting from her back proudly.  Her hair was black, with streaks of red, her eyes emerald green.  Her lips were blackened as well, and she wore a rather smart blouse and set of pants.  Her feet clad in leather boots with a short heel, the soles metallic in nature.

As she approached him, the click of her metallic boots on the stone grew clearer to Xyphiel’s ears.

Xyphiel grinned mischievously, “Well well… is that you, Saint Dinah?”

“Very funny,” Dinah snapped as she strolled towards Xyphiel, her eyes narrowing the crows feet on either eye folded ever so slightly.  She stopped less than half a meter from Xyphiel, looking him up and down, “You look like shit, Xyphiel!”

Xyphiel grinned through his pain, “I don’t recall you being so vicious the last time we met.  It’s oddly refreshing”

Without much hesitation, Dinah slapped Xyphiel across the face hard enough to send him to one knee.

As Xyphiel fell to his knee, Dinah let out a satisfied sigh, “That felt far better than I imagined it,” she said as she flexed her fingers.

Xyphiel’s shattered gauntlet rose to his cheek as his arm painfully healed from his tumultuous landing. Xyphiel’s face had fallen briefly, but his wry grin quickly returned, “You’ve grown feisty.”

Dinah lorded over Xyphiel’s form as she regarded him with nothing but contempt, “You’ve not changed, I see.  At least none for the better.”

“I cannot say the same of you,” Xyphiel said as he stood back up, looking her over, “…Why does it seem you are so much more attractive this way?”

Dinah’s face cracked a wry smile as she cocked her hip to the side, “Of course you’d find me more attractive…” her smile dropped as her ire returned, “I’ve taken on our daughter’s sins.  Such things you found so attractive.”

Xyphiel scoffed slightly, closing the distance between them, “…So you mean to tell me you know all the naughty things Rachel and I have done, and have taken them on yourself?  No wonder you seem so enticing now.”

Dinah looked Xyphiel in his eyes as he drew closer.

“I must admit… I am feeling something of a rekindling of our previous engagement.  Do you feel the same?” Xyphiel asked.

Dinah averted her eyes, “…I would lie if I didn’t feel some level of attraction to you, as always, Xyphiel.”

Xyphiel closed his eyes and moved in to kiss her, only to open them in pain after Dinah had slammed a dagger into his groin.

Xyphiel cried out in pain before Dinah covered his mouth with her hand.  Xyphiel’s hands moving to hers, unable to budge them one centimeter.

Dinah growled, twisting the blade, “Yet it still seems you struggle with the concept of consent!” Dinah pulled Xyphiel closer to her by his mouth so she could whisper in his ear,  “While I wish this was more satisfying, it somehow rings hollow.  It should give me no greater joy than to see you suffer at my hands for once!  Yet… Even as I see this dark dream come true… it too is naught but ash in my mouth.”

Dinah let Xyphiel fall forward, the dagger now in his hands as he pulled it from his crotch, “Damn you, woman!” Xyphiel roared in pain as he fell to his knees again.

“Rather late on that bit, Xyphiel,” Dinah said flippantly as she pulled out a cigarette of sorts and wrapped her blackened lips around it.   The end ignited as she inhaled, pulling blackened smoke into her lungs.   She blew a stream of dark smoke from her lips directly into his face, “I suppose every aspect of this place is to be unfulfilling.  But, then again, what more did I expect?” She turned to Xyphiel, “We are in Hell, after all.”

“So this is my punishment?” Xyphiel growled as he pushed past the cloud of smoke around his face, “Being abused by you for all eternity?  Whilst you yap at me?”

Dinah’s upper lip quivered in anger as she looked down on him.  She stormed over to him, picking him up by his shoulders.  Her sharp nails dug into his flesh as she glared into his eyes with utter disdain, “Your punishment?!  I cannot even begin to explain what you deserve… What ought to be done to you!” Dinah hissed, her rage giving way to her eyes watering, “…What should be done to you, to make up for the pain you’ve caused.  All the lives you ruined.  The suffering you propagated.”  Dinah released Xyphiel, turning from him and taking another drag from her cigarette as she wrapped her arms around her own shoulders, her wings wilting.

Xyphiel heaved a frustrated sigh, staggering towards her, “What are you seeking?  An apology?” Xyphiel’s eyes narrowed on Dinah, “It was you who turned your back on me!”

Dinah looked ahead as Xyphiel ranted behind her, her sorrow slowly returning to a neutral and indifferent expression.

You who abandoned me!  Who labeled me as unforgiven!” Xyphiel spat, “If you had aided me in breaking that vile curse on me, or at least on Sume, then I wouldn’t be who I am today!  It is entirely your fault any of this ever happened!”

Dinah tossed the cigarette aside after a final drag of it, “Never the one to blame, are you Xyphiel?”

Xyphiel narrowed his eyes on her, growling to himself.

“Are you rather finished?” Dinah asked as she looked over her shoulder.

Xyphiel remained stoic.

“Good,” Dinah said firmly, spreading her wings, “You have an appointment.”

“Oh?” Xyphiel chuckled, “Where?”

Dinah pointed to a large blade-like ivory tower in the distant sulfury haze, “The Tower of Pride, of course.”

Xyphiel looked to where Dinah pointed, walking to her side, “Well… I do suppose I should take my rightful seat upon the throne.”  Xyphiel turned to Dinah, “Since, I take it… Lucifer is no longer here?”

Dinah wordlessly offered Xyphiel her hand.

“Oh?” Xyphiel chuckled, “So you’re not the one in charge, I take it?” Xyphiel asked.

“I never said I was,” Dinah narrowed her eyes on his hand, “take my hand.  The less I touch of you, the better.”

Xyphiel took Dinah’s hand, she quickly flapped her dark wings and soared into the air, without giving him so much as a warning to her abrupt take-off.

Xyphiel grunted in pain as his arm was wrenched from its socket.  He held on tightly to his bicep with his other hand, glaring up at Dinah, “Foul woman!  How dare you!”

Dinah let a cocky smirk cross her face as Xyphiel’s eyes narrowed on her.

“Oh… You think that this will go without reprisal, wench?!” Xyphiel barked at Dinah.

“As a matter of fact,” Dinah said without even casting her eyes to Xyphiel, “I know it won’t.”

As the pair soared over the once overcrowded landscape of Hell, there was a noticeable drop in the population.

A scant few demons roamed the infernal planes, and as the pair flew over the Fields of Lust, they appeared all but vacant.

Xyphiel’s eyes scanned the smoldering ruins, “What’s become of the souls of the damned?  There should be legions of them…”

“A shift in management,” Dinah spoke firmly, “Worry not.  All will be revealed to you shortly.”

As the pair neared the ivory Tower of Pride’s topmost point, a large balcony could be seen at the top of the tower’s peak.

Xyphiel turned to Dinah as they grew closer to landing, his arm having finally returned to its socket, although painfully so.

Xyphiel looked Dinah over, and considered a different approach as he took stock of his surroundings.

“Dinah… I understand you feel that I hurt you.  But if not for my actions, then you never would have had our child.   Search our daughter’s memories of our time together… Of the pleasures she and I shared.  Certainly you must have some feelings towards me.  You must understand my reasoning for how aggressive I was with you.  The betrayal I felt?  As far as I was concerned*, you* were the sole cause of my fall.  But if you search her memories you will certainly see I was a much more tender lover to our Rachel,” Xyphiel reasoned.

“You were a tender lover with your Daughter,” Dinah recoiled with disgust.

“Yes,” Xyphiel said with a sly grin, “But now our daughter’s sins are yours.  As such… You can certainly reminisce upon them, yes?  Perhaps… Together… Consensually the two of us could accomplish great things.”

Xyphiel’s feet touched the balcony first, Dinah still holding his hand as she landed gracefully ahead of him.

Dinah turned back to Xyphiel, appraising him critically.

“You said you weren’t the Queen of Hell,” Xyphiel smiled wickedly, “But you could be.”

Dinah smirked, her hand still holding Xyphiel’s, “Is that so, Xyphiel?”

Xyphiel moved closer to her, “Yes.  I can make it so.”

Dinah scoffed, “I see why the Avatar of Pride clung so well to your feted soul, Xyphiel. Even now, you are still full of Pride,” she chuckled, “Perhaps that’s where She gets it from?”

“Who?” He asked, his eyebrow raised.  Xyphiel’s body has nearly recovered completely from his initial fall, even his most recent injury felt slightly less painful as he spoke.  Though his strength was returning, he did his best to hide this fact from Dinah.

“Come, Xyphiel,” Dinah offered, “The Sins await.”

Xyphiel’s lip lifted into a sneer as he followed after Dinah, “Traitorous swine… I’ll see they have their comeuppance.   Has any one of them run afoul of you?  I highly doubt one of them and you share any similarities.”

“All but one,” Dinah spoke, not to Xyphiel, but out loud as she walked towards the grand and imposing entrance around the mighty balcony.

The grandiose opening had tattered gossamer veils around its oblong entrance, stretching almost one hundred meters into the air, and twenty five meters across.  From the outside, nothing but darkness could be seen.

“Then join with me Dinah, and we’ll turn this nightmare into a dream the two of us can share,” Xyphiel said with a grin as they passed the threshold of the entrance.

Xyphiel paused as he took in the six figures that were set before a massive set of stairs stretching high up into the darkened ceiling.

The figures were kneeling when Xyphiel and Dinah entered.

But as they approached, five of the six figures rose from their kneeling positions.

The closest to the door was the demon Mammon. His eyes had changed, strangely.  Wisps of yellow rose from a pair of golden spheres which sat nestled in his eye sockets.  Silvery chainmail adorned his massive off-white wings, while he wore a tight wool-like shirt with a tail-coat, giving him the appearance of a grand duke.  While his pants and boots mirrored a more military fashion.

Mammon had several golden and platinum bejeweled piercings along his lip and eyebrow as he narrowed his golden yellow eyes upon Xyphiel, “Well… Look who finally arrived.”

Xyphiel’s eyes narrowed on Mammon’s, “I thought the eyes of Greed burned red.”

“Pardon me for wishing to no longer share something with you,” Mammon grinned, his tone turning to ridicule as he mockingly bowed, “Lord Xyphiel.”

Astaroth chuckled, his fiery orange eyes flickering as his hulking form loomed nearby, “Seems you hold more enemies here, than friends. Perhaps you were a bit too greedy during your brief time as our Lord?”

Astaroth’s armor was darker than Mammon’s.  The heavy plate was blackened by ash and flames on both his shoulders and gauntlets.  Though along the breast plate, nearest his mouth, stains of black appeared far more like drippings of fluids.  The steel and black complementing the amber gemstones set into his belt and gauntlets.

Astaroth’s wings were gray and covered in rusted and worn chainmail, the wings appearing almost too small for the mighty bulk of the avatar of Gluttony.

Xyphiel narrowed his eyes on Astaroth, “Oh?  If I recall, I devoured you, after you failed us.”

Astaroth’s smile grew to reveal his yellowed teeth, “There is only one failure here, Lord Xyphiel…” Astaroth’s orange eyes shifted to a figure across from him, “Though, that number might be larger, given our current company.”

Astaroth’s eyes were fixed on Asmodai, who turned to greet Xyphiel.

Asmodai’s wings were as black as ever, his full demonic armor had been restored.  The Ram and Bull heads on either shoulder.  The salivating mouths of the armor appeared to grin tauntingly once they regarded Xyphiel.  Though now the eyes within burned with a pulsing blue.

Even Asmodai’s armor, where normally tabards of crimson had been adorned, now hung with cyan and cerulean hues.

Asmodai gave a dismissive grin to Xyphiel.  His deep voice greeting the fallen ruler in a laugh as his now blue eyes fixed upon him, steam rising from them like dye dropped into clear water rather than a vapor.

Xyphiel glanced at Asmodai as he was addressed, “…You?  You’re Asmodai.  You were wrath.  What is this?  What has changed?”

“Much has changed,” Asmodai chuckled, shaking his head, “I have left my anger behind, though my lust burned all the stronger.  To the point as such, Lust found it suitable to reside within me,” Asmodai grinned, “While I have regained my place as a Prince of Hell.”

Xyphiel growled, “One whom I am sure could serve Hell well.”

“As always,” Asmodai bowed.

“I do believe Lord Xyphiel is out of the loop,” a woman’s voice called from beside Mammon.  She towered over the others, nearly eight meters high herself.  Her large black horns rose above her head, with blackened skin across her body.  A dress made of massive dark green draconic scales ran down her body, making her appear like a tall and looming serpent.  Green flames flickered within her sockets as she looked down upon Xyphiel, “Xyphiel! My, do you seem unimpressive from up here.”

“Zelletia…” Xyphiel hissed, “I gave you all you have!”

Zelletia’s clawed hand moved to her chest as she bent forward slightly, “And yet… it was not enough, now was it?” Zelletia said with a wide grin, large teeth on full display as she swished a serpentine tail behind her, scaled wings shifted along her mighty body.

A flash of red light caught Xyphiel’s eyes as he turned to see the face of a woman Xyphiel knew as Bella, glaring at him with contempt.

Bella’s black and gold dress was pressed firmly to her half human, half demonic body by a tarnished rose gold corset.  Her black hair and horns flecked with rose gold jewels which flickered with the red flames flashing from her eyes.  Bella’s mighty black wings, although wrapped in rose gold chainmail, glittered in the light like glass.  Her lip lifted in anger.

“Ah…” Xyphiel grinned to Bella, “Speaking of those who owe me.”

Bella took a step forward, a black cloven hoof lined with a rose gold shoe clacking on the floor.  Before she could advance further a hand reached out and stopped her advance.

Bella’s ire had shifted to the figure whose hand held her back.

A weak bluish aura surrounded the kneeling man as he smiled weakly, looking ahead at nothing in particular.

“He,” the man’s soft voice echoed through the halls, “is not yours to punish,” Belphegor reasoned, barely moving his mouth as he spoke.

A deep laugh grew from Astaroth, who stood to Belphegor’s left.  Orange flames licked at his empty sockets as he turned to Xyphiel.  Astaroth’s figure towered over Bella and Belphegor, dwarfed only by the mighty Zelletia’s stature.

“Indeed… Lord Xyphiel has quite the promises he fell short of…” Astaroth growled, “so few were devoured… And yet I do admire his hunger for power.”

“So, I have your respect, at least, Astaroth?” Xyphiel asked as he lifted his eyebrow.

“For what that respect is worth,” Astaroth chuckled as he stepped aside.

Xyphiel looked to Dinah, then to all the Lords of Sin around him.

Dinah shrugged, taking a step back.

Xyphiel walked past all of them, moving to stand before Belphegor who remained knelt.  “So… You are still loyal, Belphegor?” Xyphiel grinned, “The only Sin who gave me their power willingly.”

Belphegor looked up to Xyphiel meekly through a gaunt and wrinkled face.  He wore simple robes, his hair was unkempt, and he appeared as if he was only recently awoken from a long slumber.  “Loyal?   I do not believe you understand, Xyphiel.”  Belphegor looked around the room, “Loyalty here is nothing.  There is none.  Fealty is earned only by the ranking of power.  Those who have power, in Hell, earn their following only due to a path of least resistance.  No Loyalty exists here.”

“Is that why those I previously chose to take your roles were removed?” Xyphiel asked.

Mammon chuckled, “La Cruz was always mine, when I returned the entity of Greed sought to return home, and as such La Cruz had no choice but to release his claim.”

Asmodai grinned, “Lust chose me, once Khairunisa had proven an unworthy vessel.”

Xyphiel’s eyes moved to meet Zelletia’s green ones, “And what of you?  Beelzebub should have taken your position, yes?”

Zelletia grinned, “Seemed he lacked my disdain and thirst for power… Envy is mine,” Zelletia’s fiery green eyes glanced around the room, “But now that you’ve finally arrived, I suppose we can conclude our last bit of business.”

Xyphiel nodded, “Yes… Seems you’re a sin short.”

Dinah looked to Xyphiel, “Are we now?”

“Unless I am not in my world, and I sit in some alternative reality’s Hell,” Xyphiel proposed, “I am confused as not so long ago each of you were dragging me down into Hell… Yet I fell alone.”

Bella scoffed, “Alternate reality?  We should be so lucky.  No, Xyphiel, this is the world you were born in.  The one we all were born in, and bound too!” She growled. “Your judgment was deferred, for a time,” Bella explained as she turned towards the stairs before her, “For us, It has been 23 years since you were defeated.  For 23 years we have waited in Hell without your influence or your ego,” Bella turned to Xyphiel with a scoff, “It was rather liberating.  The rebirth was truly a sight to behold,” Bella said, her hand upon her chest as she looked upwards at the dark above them in reverence.

“Rebirth?” Xyphiel scoffed, looking around, “Explain.”

“All was remade,” Belphegor said in disappointment, “Reality, which had nearly broken and turned to void?  Mended,” Belphegor lamented, “So it continues… this dreadful existence known as Creation.”

“But without me… You couldn’t remedy that issue, now could you?” Xyphiel boasted. “You were waiting for this day, yes?  For the New Lord of Pride, to return to his absent throne?”

Who said that the Throne of Pride was absent?” A feminine voice bellowed through the air.

Xyphiel turned to Dinah, who merely pointed to the top of the mighty staircase that was previously shrouded in darkness.

There a glowing set of violet flames slowly descended towards the other six sins.

A small imp fluttered down to the base of the steps from the top.  His red skin and small horns were pristine, his form wrapped in a formal black tuxedo, as if he were a butler.  He cleared his throat, announcing, “All kneel, for the Lord of Pride, and all of Hell descends!”

Xyphiel’s eyes lifted up to follow the two violet flames as they slowly descended from the darkened throne.

Xyphiel could see from the corners of his eyes all around him as the other sins knelt.  His lip curled as he saw this show of fealty. “Who would dare steal my throne…?”

Stepping down from the darkness was a small girl, no taller than 168cm, her hair was long and black, a twisting crown of silver thorns woven through her hair.  Her lips were thin and pale blue, her burning eyes flickered with violet light as they tracked Xyphiel.

Her wings were black, and had no form of armor wrapped around them as the other sins did.  The dark angel’s clothing was regal.  A black bolero jacket wrapped around her upper body, a pale violet shirt fitted firmly beneath. Under the jacket a small silver waist cinch and a number of petrified wood and silver necklaces around her neck hung down to her chest.

Only her fingers were exposed, displaying black fingernails, sharpened to points.

Her legs were clad in long blackened leather boots which laced from her ankles to her thighs, with matching satin pants.  A small belt with intricate silver and violet buckles held them up.

Steal?” Her voice moved through Xyphiel like an icy chill, “I inherited it, Father**.”**

“All rise for Eve Hippolyte, Lord of Pride,” the imp turned to Xyphiel with a toothy grin, “And Queen of Hell.”

Xyphiel scoffed, “Evangeline?” He snarled.

Eve,” Eve hissed as she narrowed her eyes on Xyphiel, “Father. About time you finally arrived.”

“Finally?” Xyphiel quipped, “I died mere moments ago, and these lackeys claim you’ve waited 23 years.  What treachery is this?!”

Time, as you experience it, matters not,” Eve quipped as she stood at the base of the steps which led to the Throne of Pride, “What matters is what is to happen now that you have arrived within my domain.”

Xyphiel chuckled, “Eve… have you forgotten what you signed?” Xyphiel said with a smug grin, “Did you forget, whilst you sat here biding your time, that I own your soul?!” Xyphiel reached out to Eve with his golden clad hand, the ruined metal of the gauntlet squeaking, dangling from his wrist and fingers as he closed it upon her chest within his vision. “Now, Give me the power of Pride, the title of King of Hell.”

Eve remained unphased by Xyphiel’s command.

Zelletia’s chuckle was the only sound filling the room.

Xyphiel glared at Zelletia, “…What?”

“Oh… Xyphiel…” Zelletia’s voice lilted, “You should be more familiar with soul contracts than that, yes?”

Xyphiel narrowed his eyes upon Zelletia.

“Where are your wings, Xyphiel?” Zelletia asked as she lifted an eyebrow mockingly.

Xyphiel reached behind him, a panic on his face for a moment before he realized his wings were gone.-

“Transubstantiation before death,” Asmodai chimed in, “Means Transubstantiation forever after death… unless you of course, can gain back your power through other means.  Although, it doesn’t mean your previous contracts are returned to you.”

Xyphiel glared at Eve, “I am aware how Hell works…” Flames sparked around Xyphiel, “If you will not relinquish the power I seek yourself, then I shall seize it from you!” Xyphiel’s body was soon wreathed in flames as he dashed towards Eve.

Oh, Honestly Father…” Eve bemoaned, exasperated by Xyphiel’s stubbornness. She did not move as he dashed towards her, “Did you think you held some form of power over me?”

A scraping sound of glass on glass was heard, and in a blur of red and black Bella appeared before Xyphiel, her hand gripping his neck as Xyphiel’s flames surrounded both of them, causing neither any harm.

Bella’s fiery red eyes fixed firmly on Xyphiel’s, a look of pure rage burning into Xyphiel as she held him firm.

Belvanna,” Eve said as she walked towards Xyphiel, looking up at him, “I need not your hand to stay him.”

Belvanna narrowed her eyes, burning with ruby flames, upon Xyphiel, “He is not worthy to be felled by you, My Queen.”

Eve turned to Belvanna with a shrug, then to Xyphiel, “Father… It seems it’s my task to deal with you for the foreseeable future.  Do follow me, if you would.”

Xyphiel struggled in Belvanna’s grip, speaking shortly, “Bel…vanna?”

“I chose a new name when I reclaimed the title of Lord of Wrath here in Hell… My father had named me Bella, and he is only partially responsible for my rise.  So, I decided a change in decorum was required,” she smiled to Xyphiel, “Do you like it?  I had considered others but… Belvanna had a lovely ring to it,” she said with a wicked grin.

Xyphiel grunted as Belvanna and the other sins took to the air, her grip still firmly around his throat.

Xyphiel could see the Tower of Pride vanishing into the distance as they flew outward and onward.

Dinah flew a not-so-short distance away from the Seven Avatars of Sin as she followed behind.

Xyphiel struggled, attempting to speak, “What is it you plan to do to me?”

Belvanna chuckled, “You’ll find out soon enough.  Be patient,” she taunted, “You’ll have all eternity with it.”

Belvanna,” Eve chided.

Belvanna’s fiery eyes focused on Eve, “My apologies, my Queen,” she grinned, “Of course… no spoilers, yes?”

Xyphiel lifted an eyebrow as the odd quip from Belvanna.  In all the time he knew her as Bella, never had she shown anything he’d consider a sense of humor.  A self entitlement that made her cocky to taunt her foes, certainly.  But not an ounce of playfulness that he could recall.

But that sort of quip to him sounded familiar, and eerily so.

Xyphiel struggled for a moment before his eyes fixed on Belvanna’s wings.  The feathers appeared like black glass.  Wings that were unique, he had only seen them on one other angel before.

“…The Science Experiment,” Xyphiel thought to himself.

Belvanna’s fingers dug into Xyphiel’s flesh as they flew, passing over the burning landscapes, “Shh…” Belvanna chided, “Your mind is on full display here.  Best keep such musings to yourself.”

Xyphiel’s eyes scanned below, noticing a smaller population once more.  “So… How many were destroyed?  The legions are all but gone.”

“The Guardians saw fit to give most a second chance,” Dinah informed, looking at Xyphiel, “Some made the same mistakes again, others chose to remain here.  Belvanna, for instance, has no faith in humanity’s ability to redeem themselves, so she opted to remain with us.  Asmodai and the others made similar decisions, as did a small handful of demons and fallen… But far more have decided to take the Lord’s offer of redemption and been reborn in a new world.”

Xyphiel hissed, “A new world… As if it will be any better than before.”

“It is lacking you,” Dinah quipped, “So by that measure alone, it is already a marked improvement, Xyphiel.”

“Say sayeth you, Dinah,” Belvanna quipped, “We can work on unmaking it going forward,” Belvanna’s red fire flickered in her eyes, “Finally.”

The Avatar’s of Sin and Dinah landed near a large plain, overseeing a massive chiasm in the distance, no more than 500 meters away.

Xyphiel grunted as Belvanna thrust him to the ground.  Xyphiel tumbled in the dust, grunting in pain as he rolled from the thrust.

“Oh dear…” Belvanna said, raising her hand mockingly to her mouth, “Did I let you down too hard, Lord Xyphiel?”

Xyphiel growled as he got to his feet, dusting himself off, “We can dispose of the pageantry…”

Asmodai chuckled, approaching the edge of the chiasm, his deep blue wisps flashing to Zelletia as he looked upon the eternal void, “Bring back memories, Zelletia?”

“Yes, of more desperate times.  I debate whether or not you did me any true favors, to be honest,” Zelletia mentioned as she looked at the sins around them, “I see even Belphegor decided to attend.”

Belphegor walked slowly, his hands behind his back, hunched over slightly, “I was promised nothing, after all,” he said with an overly sweet grin, “Of course I would be here.”

Mammon turned to Xyphiel, “To be fair, I expected a bit more of a fight… But I suppose you are in the state you were,” Mammon chuckled, “Defeated.”

Asmodai chuckled, “And to think… You had all our power at your disposal, and still, you failed all those years ago.”

“Mere moments ago, to me!” Xyphiel motioned to Eve, “Surely you all cannot be so easily fooled!  That in mere moments my daughter claims the throne and yet all of you kneel before her?!  Allow me to fight at my former prowess and I will take her place in an instant!” Xyphiel demanded.  “She ruled over you in the blink of an eye!”

All were silent until Eve spoke, “Twenty three years have passed since the day you failed the demons of Hell, and were defeated by the forces of Heaven.  Do not think that the sins you see before you have not tried and failed to usurp me, Father.  Your arrival is only auspicious in one regard.”

“And what regard is that?!” Xyphiel bellowed.

“It heralds the next phase of the rebirth,” Eve said flatly, “The time when we are no longer bound to allow the Goddess’s plan to run unhindered by our designs.”

“Designs?” Xyphiel asked, walking towards Eve.

Eve nodded, “There can be no Good without Evil.  Nite proved that, for when there is no evil to measure against good, otherwise good people do horrific things.  Without a moral compass of what is devilish or angelic, people often treat each other well in good times, and viciously in bad times.  Heaven has had time to prepare… and now that you are here, it is time for that peace to come to an abrupt end.”

Xyphiel chuckled, “Eve… If it is war with the Heaven you prefer, then I can assure you, you need me! Allow me to help you.  They may have thwarted me once, but you and I together?  I am certain we can bring the Heavens to their knees.”

Xyphiel looked to the sins as they each began to laugh.

Xyphiel glared, “So, what then?  You have a myriad of torment for me?” He scoffed, “Go on, every sling and arrow hurled at me will only empower me to destroy each and every one of you!” Xyphiel glared, “I have an eternity imprisoned alongside all of you!”

The laughter of the Sins remained before Eve lifted her hand to bring them to an instant silence.

Eve’s violet eyes turned to Xyphiel, then straight ahead.

The Sins all stepped aside, allowing Xyphiel forward.

Xyphiel looked at them all quizzically, but slowly made his way past them.

As Xyphiel passed Eve, he took a few more steps towards the edge of the Chiasm, only for the ground to shake and roll.

Xyphiel jumped back, though no one else reacted as the ground shook and the sands burst upwards.

As dust rained down, the sight before Xyphiel was that of a massive snake-like creature.  It had four scaled arms with massive black and green colors.  The upper body was that of a woman, her shapely and massive form covered in scales.  Though her mouth was exposed, the remainder of her face was covered in a thick bone-like mask with tribal symbols etched across it.

Xyphiel glared at the mighty creature as he heard a female voice speak.

Do not give up hope yet, little one… Listen to the Mother of Demons before you seek absolution…” the massive figure lowered their face towards Xyphiel for a moment, “…Oh.  It’s you. The serpent woman looked to Eve, “Has it truly been twenty three years already?”

Eve nodded silently.

Does that mean that I can…?” the serpent woman whispered.

Your instructions are to be followed to the letter,” Eve said, narrowing her violet eyes, “Your time safeguarding your young has now officially begun.  Do not interfere more than discussed.  Do I make myself perfectly clear, Lilith?”

The Serpent woman, Lilith, nodded, “Perfectly, My Queen.” Lilith bowed.

Asmodai looked up to Lilith as she slithered away, “Mother…” Asmodai called out.

Yes, Asmodeus?” Lilith called back, almost hopeful.

“I hope you fail,” Asmodai said, his eyes looking forward.

Lilith scoffed, and slithered down beneath the sands.

“Free passage to the physical realm… and you send that bleeding heart?” Xyphiel said as he turned to Eve, “I can see you’re already preparing them for failure.”

Mammon’s lips curled into a smile, “Oh Xyphiel… there is no more loss for us.”

Xyphiel’s face fell, “What?”

Belphegor sighed, “Yes.  Seems we will persist regardless… Our tasks are as they have always been.  Unending…” Belphegor shook his head.  “In this regard, Xyphiel… I do envy you.”

“He really does,” Zelletia chuckled.

Xyphiel lifted an eyebrow, “Why would you envy me?”

Eve approached Xyphiel, “I’m afraid your destiny has ended, Xyphiel.  The only fate that awaits you is what is beyond that chasm.”

Xyphiel turned to see a dark chasm which didn’t have a bottom.  It stretches downward and onward, the darkness unlike any Xyphiel had seen before.  “What?”

Almost unlike any he had seen before.

Xyphiel’s face fell, “…Wait, no.” he turned to Eve, Xyphiel’s face of pride and contempt cracked a moment, “Is that… the Abyss?  You couldn’t… wouldn’t cast me in.”  Xyphiel chuckled nervously, his attempts to hide his growing fear failing.

Eve’s eyes turned to Xyphiel, “I can, and will.”

Xyphiel balled up his golden gauntlet, turned and tried to run from the edge, only to find his feet sinking into the ground as light blue flames licked at his hips, “Release me!” Xyphiel cried out.

“How unfortunate…” Belphegor’s voice called out, his eyes fixed on Xyphiel with a silent and burning rage.

Xyphiel’s eyes frantically turned to Belphegor.  Xyphiel was shocked as the Avatar of Sloth showed an emotion other than indifference.

Even though you claimed to strive for a return to entropy… You cling to existence.  Your goals were never absolution.  You deceived me,” Belphegor hissed, his bluish eyes producing a flame for the first time Xyphiel had ever seen.

Xyphiel struggled to escape, but as he did Eve backed away slowly.

On the subject of entropy,” Eve said as she and the other sins backed away.

Rising from the pit was a black and blue mist, filling the area with a scent of the sea and dense fog.

“What is…” Xyphiel started to ask before the vision of a lithe girl surrounded by decaying sea life and saltwater floated near him.

Her eyes were closed, but her pale skin and dark soaked hair, as well as the black clothing she wore with etchings of dark runes gave Xyphiel the cues he needed to identify the figure.

“…Meri,” Xyphiel whispered, his voice catching in his throat.

In a song, Meri’s voice lilted through the fog, “Hello Daddy….” she opened her eyes, revealing two blackened orbs, “I have such wonderful things to show you.”

NO!” Xyphiel roared as black tendrils of shadow ripped out of the chasm and wrapped around him, “NO! MERI DO NOT DO THIS! EVE! DINAH!  FORGIVE ME!” Xyphiel’s voice called out in horror as he was dragged towards the Void.

Meri’s laughter filled the air as the tendrils pulled Xyphiel deeper.

“You’ve so many friends down below you’ve disappointed…” Meri sang softly, “They have so much to talk about… for so long… So many voices, Daddy…” Meri moved her face near Xyphiel’s ear, “Yet they’re so very quiet…”

Xyphiel screamed, begging incoherently as he was dragged away.

Dinah turned from the sight as the other sins watched on emotionlessly.

Meri’s laughter reached a crescendo accompanying Xyphiel’s screams before they were soon both gone forever.

Belphegor heaved a sigh, “And so ends the mortal upstart.  Lucifer’s greatest failure, Xyphiel.”

“Good riddance,” Zelletia said, spreading her wings, “I can attest that Xyphiel has been disposed of, the Old Ones are satiated, for now.  Are we all in agreement?”

The other sins nodded.

“Then, My Queen, with your permission I request to take our leave.  As the armistice is now over, we have much to do,” Zelletia declared

Eve nodded, “Indeed, you are all dismissed.”

The sins all flew away, aside from Belvanna, Eve, and Dinah.

Dinah sniffled, turning to the chasm.

“Do you mourn him, Grandmother?” Eve asked, her voice no longer carrying the weight of her authority.

“Do I mourn Xyphiel?  The man who raped me and befouled our daughter?” Dinah sniffled, shaking her head, “No.  I mourn the loss of the man he could have been.”

“We saw but an echo of Kirggary Misho,” Eve explained.

“No.  Not even that echo,” Dinah sniffled, looking down into the abyss.  “The Guardians provided me with two visions, Eve.  One was where we are now.  Of destruction levied by Xyphiel should our rejection come to him and he meet our rejection with wrath.  But the other?  The proper vision…” Dinah whispered, sniffling.

Eve and Belvanna looked to Dinah silently.

“He was my soul mate,” Dinah said as she dried her eyes, “He and I were to have Rachel, and she would be the Metatron.  Together we would live out our days in happiness after Xyphiel atoned for all his sins…” She shook her head, “I mourn that.  I have always mourned the loss of my love, in that Xyphiel destroyed my heart, my Kriggary, forever!”

Eve glanced to the Abyss, then to Dinah, her authority returning, “I do still need you, Grandmother.  In the coming centuries.”

Dinah nodded, “I am aware.  I will not fail you.  Now, I think I’ll take my leave as the others have.”

With that, Dinah spread her wings and took flight.

As Dinah flew away, Belvanna moved towards Eve, approaching the precipice of the abyss.  Her hand gently placed on Eve’s shoulder, “We’re alone now.”

Eve nodded, “Good.”

Belvanna’s wings opened and wrapped protectively around Eve, “…It wasn’t hard for you?  Disposing of your father?”

Eve shook her head.

“Even with all your Grandmother said?” Belvanna asked.

“This was my plot from the moment Meri and my mind converged all those years ago,” Eve explained, “The dark knowledge that tainted me.  The true nature of the void and darkness, conveyed to me, corrupting my mind…” Eve’s voice trailed off.

Belvanna lifted an eyebrow, folding her wings and stepping back from Eve, “So then, what’s the grand scheme of it all?”

“My new destiny,” Eve looked out, “Whether intentional, or if I gazed too deeply into the vision provided to me by the Guardians, I don’t know for certain,” Eve turned to Belvanna, “The Guardians are not the sort to make mistakes.

“On that you and I can agree to disagree,” Belvanna said, her fist clenching, “I still feel my conception to be an egregious error.”

Eve sighed, “You have your place, Belvanna.  The Guardians’ vision showed me the steps to take to lead me here. Why do you think I sold my soul to Xyphiel?  That I prevented him from harming Xei?” Eve looked out at the now distant Tower of Pride, “It was to lead me here.  To this goal. To grasp this seat of power for myself.”

Belvanna frowned, “If you followed the vision provided, are you not following The Guardian’s design?”

“In some ways… Yes,” Eve heaved a sigh, “Their plan required me to kill my mother.  That, I will admit, was hard.  I think that act alone hardened my heart more than anything else I had to do.  Though it was necessary to bring my Grandmother to Hell to prepare the way for me.  I knew my mother would go to Heaven, so in a way it was a kindness.  It was the only way to unlock Zepherina’s full potential.  The only way I could be destroyed without being transubstantiated was if Zepherina destroyed my entire physical body.”

Belvanna smiled warmly to Eve “I am well aware of your machinations,” Belvanna glanced around to ensure no soul was within earshot, “Sister.” Belvanna chuckled, “Why do you think I betrayed Xyphiel?  I knew you were here, lying in wait,” Belvanna explained looking over the Hellscape towards the Tower of Pride.

“Did you?” Eve paused, “Then, do you think that Rachel and Zepherina do not recall me because I deviated from The Guardian’s original plan?” Eve asked.

Belvanna paused, “Small details which caused your plan to unfold slightly differently could have caused that.  Maybe Ragna wasn’t pleased with your deception?”

“Or your attempt to devour Zepherina,” Eve added, turning to Belvanna.

Belvanna shrugged, “Did that truly alter things for the worse?”

“No,” Eve said, “It didn’t.  And to be honest, it is rather pleasant having a deeper connection to you, Belvanna,” Eve turned to Belvanna, her burning violet eyes sympathetic, “The world above treated you far too harshly.  Your anger, your wrath, was more than deserved.  Truly, the Avatar of Wrath could never have passed to anyone after it found its place within you.”

Belvanna lifted an eyebrow, “So, must it be kept secret still?  Our link?  Your plot?”

Eve nodded, “Yes. That link between Zepherina, you and myself is something to remain between the two of us.”

Belvanna smiled, “Yes… From her I received a sister.  From me Zepherina received-” Eve shushed Belvanna quickly.

“Speak not of it,” Eve snapped, “That will come in time.”

“All will come in time,” Belvanna said as the pair walked from the chasm, “We have all eternity now, and even if it might be a filthy virtue,” Belvanna’s eyes flashed with a pulse of red flame, “I have patience now.”

  • da_peda
    3 months ago

    I love that you’ve switched over from Reddit to Lemmy for the original content. Feels like the start of creators recognizing that being on a centralized platform harvesting their content for free isn’t the most sustainable option.