I know that the West is trying to pressure China to side with Israel and that that government has decided to not get involved but what about the people in the country? Didn’t China use to support the end of the apartheid there and stuff like that?
I know that the West is trying to pressure China to side with Israel and that that government has decided to not get involved but what about the people in the country? Didn’t China use to support the end of the apartheid there and stuff like that?
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on the Escalation of Tensions Between Palestine and Israel https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/xwfw_665399/s2510_665401/2535_665405/202310/t20231008_11157299.html
Xinhua (state media) Backgrounder: Major Palestinian-Israeli conflicts in recent years: https://english.news.cn/20231009/e01c59819b3f4ac6a5dd8c5e407a221e/c.html
Global Times (international branch of People’s Daily, a Party media) Editorial : To avoid a new Middle East war, Israeli-Palestinian issue can’t be delayed https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202310/1299464.shtml?id=11
There is this photo circulating around on social media, which reads “坚决支持巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯人民反对美帝国主义和犹太复国主义的斗争”, which translates to something like “firmly support the Palestinian and Arab people’s struggle against U.S. imperialism and Zionism”. I might be wrong but this was probably taken around May 25 of 1967 during a rally in Beijing, or maybe in March 1965 when a Palestinian Liberation Organization delegation visited China.
Israeli embassy is posting things on Weibo (Chinese Twitter/X) but they have to use the “select comments” feature to only display pro-Israel comments. Palestinian embassy’s Weibo stopped posting in 2012, their last post was about how the Chinese government and people have always supported the just cause of the Palestinian people’s struggle to restore their legitimate national rights, and included this picture of Deng Xiaoping and Yasser Arafat:
People are still commenting on this old post as a sign of solidarity with Palestine.
Gotcha, yeah, I figured Chinese people would be much more sympathetic to the situation for the Palestinians. Kind of surprised that the Palestinian embassy stopped posting in Weibo. I guess it makes sense though.