How fast did the people in it die?

Of course once the sub filled with water they would die instantly because it would reach insane pressures (300-400 ATM or 5800 PSI)

    2 years ago

    Here’s another way to think about it.

    We can calculate what the change in volume of the chamber would be based on the difference in pressure when it collapsed.

    Initially, at atmospheric pressure, the interior chamber contained about 5.6 cubic meters of volume. At the depth of the sub prior to implosion, the external pressure was about 3,000 psi. Once the walls failed, the interior volume was suddenly compressed from 5.6 cubic meters down to a miniscule 0.06 cubic meters.

    Basically, the interior walls slammed in, compressing everything inside from the size of a small minivan down to the size of a very small fishtank