I’ve taken today as well as part of yesterday off, but having spent most of today out of the house, I’ve totally lost my momentum and left a shit tonne of chores till tonight - as well as a plethora of packing after a month of sprawling out around here - I gotta be out by 9am tomorrow for an appointment.
It’s feeling overwhelming but I’m using the washing machine and dishwasher running time to give myself a breather or time other tasks.
Driving on the Western was yet another shitshow today (even counter peak). Honestly there’s a special brand of insanity out there. I think what took the cake today was seeing a white SUV with a custom plate doing at least 130km/h (actual), undertaking both lanes on the left by using the MERGE LANE that was just ending from an on ramp
I’ve taken today as well as part of yesterday off, but having spent most of today out of the house, I’ve totally lost my momentum and left a shit tonne of chores till tonight - as well as a plethora of packing after a month of sprawling out around here - I gotta be out by 9am tomorrow for an appointment.
It’s feeling overwhelming but I’m using the washing machine and dishwasher running time to give myself a breather or time other tasks.
Driving on the Western was yet another shitshow today (even counter peak). Honestly there’s a special brand of insanity out there. I think what took the cake today was seeing a white SUV with a custom plate doing at least 130km/h (actual), undertaking both lanes on the left by using the MERGE LANE that was just ending from an on ramp
sleep is over rated 😬
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