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I’ll just wait for the Witcher 4 patch 2.0, which will release after 3 years from the original release date and will actually contain the advertised game.
…and be $15 on gog.com
If only that was what Cyberpunk actually got.
Cool, can’t wait for the stutter, as per every other UE5 slop to come out
Expect minimum requirements = 5070ti,
5090 recommended for 60 fps with DLSS
I don’t know get why they would make it with UE5 when they have their own in-house engine.
Others answered but it’s easier/cheaper for them to use a vendor’s engine. It makes sense.
What sucks is that UE seems to almost have a monopoly on engine leasing. I wish there were more options. Having all games use the same engine is putting too many eggs in the same basket.
They ended RedEngine with Cyberpunk 2077, too much work. Everything going forward will be UE.
They claimed that it was expensive and was part of the reason for cyberpunk’s turbulent launch.
It’s a real shame though, most UE5 runs awful it seems, and are still limited by single thread performance, unlike RED Engine which scales far better with more CPU cores.
Tbh RED engine also has its plethora of problems, missing features, and makes it harder to onboard new team members (need to train on new engine instead of basically every single dev having experience with unity or unreal).
Not that unreal is perfect by any shots.
They should go back to the NWN engine.
It’s hard work to maintain and develop your own engine.
Aside from doing the work to maintain and update your own engine, there is also the problem of onboarding new hires. If you use a standard you can go out and hire people already experienced with working on the engine. If you use your own, you have to teach a new hire to use it before they can be any help.
I read that this caused a lot of development woes on Halo Infinite for example.
Fantastic news. I loved Witcher 3, we will see how good 4 is.
so more gwent distractions i hope
I hope they don’t change the Gwent gameplay. The mobile version sucked
Developers on suicide watch.
I should probably get around to continuing Witcher 3. I just have a mental issue with quests and choices blocking other quests that I just end up reading the wiki. Help me.
Don’t underestimate the importance of playing snowballs
Care to elaborate?
You will know when you get to it. Be supportive dad.
Just in time for me to actually play Witcher 3, I’m starting this weekend. I wasn’t big on Witcher 2 and just never got around to 3 until now.
Oh you’re in for a treat. The side quests in Witcher 3 are legendary. I love everything about that game.
I sure hope so, I got quite burned on the last big budget game I’ve played years after the hype. God of War 2018 felt like a culmination of every wrong with gaming at that time (outside of mtx) and AAA games only got worse from there.
I will say, i didn’t think the main story was that strong. But the huge amount of amazing side quests more than made up for it.
Out of curiosity, what didn’t you like about God of War 2018?
I went into detail here. In short, nothing was actually engaging. Combat, puzzles and traversal all felt shallow.
Does it also include those cutscenes where you have to press a button that pops up on the screen or you have to start the cutscene over again?
I hate those because:
- Every console has a different layout for basically the same buttons.
- I like cut scenes being little breaks where you just watch and soak it in. At least assuming the character doesn’t make choices I hate or suddenly surrenders because a few enemies point weapons at them (after probably having fought more of those enemies actually using their weapons instead of just threatening it).
- If I’ve seen a cutscene already, I’d rather skip it and get back to the good gameplay. Maybe the interaction was intended to reduce that “go away cutscene, you’re boring, I want to get back to the fun stuff” but I don’t find it accomplishes that at all.
- It’s not good gameplay. Even if I don’t end up panicking and hitting a wrong button or missing it because I’m not ready to think about where the X button is on this particular controller, it’s not rewarding at all to succeed, other than the “yay, I don’t have to repeat this stupid shit anymore”.
- And I especially hate ones that prompt mashing buttons as fast as you can or rotating a stick as fast as you can (and this applies outside of cutscenes, too). I don’t find anything interesting about testing the physical limits of my thumbs and wearing down the buttons or sticks involved faster in the process.
Do you mean quick time events (QTEs)? The game has at least one cutscene I remember where you’re prompted to activate an ability to change the outcome, however, I think that’s it. The games usually doesn’t have them.
Although, it does commit an entirely different sin in terms of unskippable cutscenes: There are several ‘immersive’ cutscenes with you suddenly walking at a snail’s pace or climbing slowly around while the cutscene plays out.
It is still my favorite game ever, regarding story, world-building, characters, music, graphics, quests and overall gameplay.
But it’s a bit weak on combat mechanics, there I prefer Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3.
if you’re on pc. get the friendly ui mod and try to hide the mini map and use 3d
mapsmarker instead. immersion is so much betterThis. I spent 84% of my first playthrough looking at the minimap.
Pshh, UE5 when the FreeDoom engine exists
Did they fix cyberpunk yet?
Y’know they actually did
Noice. I haven’t heard of anything about it since launch. They still updating it?
Occasionally we get the odd tech update but they consider it basically finished now.
But the tl:dr is
Bugs fixed
Gameplay enhanced
Dlc is amazing
Too bad it’s a linear game (except for the first mission), which is the opposite of what they promised.
It’s nice they added a DLC, and I’m glad it’s good, but it doesn’t really mesh with the rest of the game.
Is it a buggy mess like it was at launch? No. Is it what they advertised and sold? Also no.
There’s DLC?! With the state the game launched in I wouldn’t even buy it, they honestly lost my trust
Honestly if shadow of the erdtree didn’t come out it would be considered the gold standard dlc.
Edit: and you get to skip straight to the dlc on character creation. It makes some story decisions for you but if you want meat and not potatoes then that option is available.
I played through it last year and got one or two bugs tops, great experience and fantastic game (if you liked TW3)
Yes but also no. Played base game recently, and i had a lot of bugs and frustrations. Some of them because i ran it from hdd, which is not their recommended way of media to install on, but some were clearly design failures and bugs…
I just finished four endings and am now grinding side missions. Through oner 90h of great gameplay, I had like 5 bugs (1 crash, 1 person walking on air, 1 body that rolled away like a car, 1 car stuck spinning wheels on a flat surface, 15 cases of “summoning” a car to see it dropping upside down 30 meters away)
I’ve seen worse in terms of bugs, and it’s an interesting game with tons of content and different ways to build your character.Yeah, yeah, we know they fixed the bugs but did they fix the game? Do cops still exclusively spawn behind you so you can escape them by driving in a straight line?
They also appear on some streets ahead - they are usually avoidable if you look at minimap all the time, but it’s definitely not “just behind”
Interesting. I just looked it up and it seems they completely revamped the entire police system. It light finally be time for me to give it another shot.
It’s a good game now. I waited over 2 years to buy it and think it’s the best single player shooter I’ve played since Bioshock/HL2. Have completed it 5 times now using different builds and am thinking about getting the expansion if it goes on sale at xmas.
I bought it on release because TW3 and Deus Ex are some of my favorite games but it was so bad back then that I haven’t touched it since. Alright, I’ll give it another shot.
I don’t think you’ll regret it. The story is incredibly rich and outcomes depend a lot on your choices and playstyles. It never feels like you’re grinding for levels to me. There’s the occasional bug, but no more than other games I’ve played. I think it’s probably the first genre defining game we’ve seen in about a 15 years.
Can confirm. I’m playing through my 4th total playthrough (once on launch, once about 6mo later, one on the DLC launch and one now) and the last two have been noticeable in terms of quality improvements. I’m playing modded to shit, but only have had a few crashes. Police feel fine now, I’m not using anything that alters their spawn logic. Just about the only thing I’ve not enjoyed still is driving, even modded to hell lmao
It’s aight now.
3060ti on endeavor getting 100+ fps at 1440. Some bugs here and there only seen one t pose in 40 hours
“Production” in software development means it’s available to end users.
At first I didn’t understand they meant development.
Ditto. Was surprised to hear it that far along, with absolutely no prior leaks/hype, except maybe they learned from CP2077.
Eventually sorted out they mean ‘production’ in the movie sense, not the product sense. And I suppose that’s fair, given how much modern ARPGs incorporate voice & physical acting, foley work, motion capture, etc
Removed by mod
Don’t waste your mental health getting mad at things that haven’t happened yet
Great - what am I supposed to do with this? Hope it’s not as shit as the rest of the UE5 games or Cyberpunk? Hope my hardware can run it? Have they learnt nothing from Cyberpunk? Like STFU and maybe show people things when it’s ready?
Nothing. Not every information needs to be actionable by its receivers. Do not get hyped up but know there will be a next installment and wait till they show something.
Yeah - and us consumers don’t need every fucking milestone painted out either. We didn’t back this. Show it to us when it’s time or get the fuck out of my feed. But watch how they’ll go down the cyberpunk route and build hype over 7 years again to deliver a broken piece of shit on launch. Why? Because they made so much money last time doing it.
I have never seen someone so upset that there’s gaming news in the gaming community
I do understand the reaction somewhat though… It’s these kinds of news that gets people hyped for a game and leads to the sort of pressure that might make a launch fail as it did with Cyberpunk
Announcing a game is not over-hyping. If you can’t control yourself that a simple announcement that a game is in production makes you have a meltdown, then probably they shouldn’t be browsing the gaming community, where this kind of news is expected
Help me solve my dilemma - I do want to hear about new exciting releases/reviews of upcoming games but I also don’t want news of announced games which are 5+ years away. And especially don’t want to hear about every little morsel of info they throw your way in the 5 year build up only to launch disastrously and then keep us in the news cycle for another 2-3 years where they advertise how they are fixing their game only to turn around and ask for more money to sell you an expansion. How do I just focus on the good ones?
Honestly it just sounds like you don’t enjoy reading news about games, and that’s fine, but this one is a good announcement
Cyberpunk runs on the RedEngine. This game will be the first for CD Project Red to run Unreal engine.
I agree however that Unreal engine might be a bad choice. We’ll have to see. They change engine because of money as developing an engine is far more expensive than using Unreal Engine.
If I recall correctly, the “next gen update” for The Witcher 3 was UE5.I did not recall correctly.
That makes no sense 🤣 if they had done that then it would mean they would have to develop the game all over again in UE5. UE5 and redENGINE are two different engines and there is no “upgrading” from one engine to the other without making the game all over again in the different engine.
Or you can moan a little bit more.