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  • CEOs of European technology companies told CNBC at the Web Summit technology conference this week that the continent should adopt a “Europe-first” approach to tech, after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory.
  • Andy Yen, CEO of VPN maker Proton, said Europe should “step up” and “be aggressive” to counter U.S. Big Tech firms’ tight grip on many important technologies, such as web browsing, cloud computing, smartphones — and now artificial intelligence.
  • Thomas Plantenga, CEO of Lithuania-based used clothing app Vinted, urged Europe to take the “right choices” to ensure it doesn’t get “left behind.”
    4 months ago

    I guess the rest of the world better come up with a plan to deal with a Trump dominated US. Every single day it seems to be getting worse and he’s not even in charge as yet.

    America can lecture us on how we respond to a dangerous hegemony, but first it better put a few safety pins back into its own machinery. Europe has first hand experience with strong men with a mission. Just building a passive Maginot Line didn’t seem to work last time.