It’s pretty disrespectful to imply that ace people aren’t fully human imo
asexual ≠ has no sex drive
Asexual = no sexual attraction (I think)
It’s… complicated according to them.
As a bi man, I’m used to being erased and don’t want to do it to the ace homies, but I have to admit when some of the crowd are going on about how they’re “aroace with sexual impulses” I’m pretty tempted, because it sure sounds like they’re saying they want minority status for hitting and quitting.
thank you for putting in the effort to even think about the ace homies lol. it was actually really refreshing to see it even brought up in this thread since it isn’t talked about a lot!
from what i’ve read it can vary a lot from person to person, and it is a spectrum. in my experience i can compare it to aphantasia, where i haven’t experienced this thing that many people consider central to their lives and those around them but it really hasn’t affected me in a negative way that i can perceive. as i understand it, asexuality is purely the lack of sexual attraction, and theres plenty more words to further specify where people fall on the spectrum if you want to look it up.
i think a lot of the “iffy” ace identification/definition you can read about online simply comes from it being so hard to prove the absence of a thing, when the opposite can be so easy.
So, I’m not completely ace, but I am 95% and seemingly get more ace every year that goes by. Thing is, there’s a difference between sexual impulse and arousal on one hand and attraction to an actual person on the other. I get horny as hell every single month during my ovulation because my uterus is screaming and begging me to make babies, and that’s usually when my once or twice a month masturbation happens. But the last time I met an actual real life person I was sexually attracted to was 4 years ago.
I can also find the idea of a person sexually arousing, but still won’t find the actual person attractive. I know this from experience, because when I was much younger and didn’t know myself as well I did act on the attraction to the idea of a person only to be sorely disappointed when it actually happened and I felt nothing.
This is only my own experience of course, but I hope this helps a bit in understanding it.
If you don’t reproduce on your own, you’re not truly asexual. #mitosis
Jesus was a serial masterbator
The Catholic church isn’t exactly the most LGBTQ-friendly organization
I feel like the ace theory makes the most sense imo
Asexual people are fully human though
not to catholics
I was about to say asexual people, but catholics don’t believe in those
Me, an asexual person: Fuck yeah I’m not fully human
happy adeptus mechanicus noises
Probably ass: it’s well known that Christ broke up buns into fish to feed the crowd at the sermon on the mount - a subtle metaphor for cumming to the butt
Jesus was known to fraternize with sex workers, and I’m pretty sure someone a sex worker would willingly be friends with is someone who’s either not interested or well and good capable enough of controlling themselves that it’s not really the same discussion as it would be with others when talking about sexual temptation.
IIRC the story of Jesus experiencing temptation was one of him being tempted with power and/or being freed from some trial of suffering he had found himself in.
Some loveable himbos have the sex drive of an unfixed Chihuahua but still have attempts at seduction bounce right off them until the attempt is then redirected at bribing them with an especially delicious sandwich.
A good sandwich gets me in the mood, what can I say
He had a big tiddy hooker gf, you can’t tell me Jesus didn’t have sexual temptations
Insert Robert Langdon speech about the Catholic smear campaigns of Mary.
I think Lemmy is an old enough crowd to get the reference, right?
Correct answer: Boobs didn’t exist until Eve so obviously ass. Boobs are just front facing asses after all.
The obvious answer, especially for anyone who already believes multiple things can be true at the same time:
“Why not both?”
I need a Jesus Loves Bimbos sticker, stat.
Maybe he had erectile dysfunction
My impression is he was totally banging Mary Magdalene, and that just was just omitted. If he was like any other popular cult leader, he also got his pick of the young women among the followers.
It would have been regarded as peculiar and noticeable if Jesus didn’t partake of the groupies.
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