The last option for this year’s mob vote is the penguin! These guys look pretty fun to add to an aquarium, and speeding up boat travel seems really useful. I think they have my vote.
I refuse to get excited for the mob vote anymore
A wise decision. I hate the mob vote but I love mobs, it’s an unhealthy relationship.
I wish they would just not have a mob vote and instead add these features to existing game mechanics. The overworld is getting way too cluttered with random mobs that serve one small purpose. Which seems contradictory to the games focus on crafting. Now instead of a deep system of mechanics intertwined into thousands of opportunities for creativity and discovery we get this squid here.
Of course they have to do it anyways or the community will scream about the devs being “lazy“.
anyways im voting for that crab hbu?
I’d love faster boats (I’d love faster minecarts more). As is tradition for the mob vote though, you don’t really know what you’re voting for. When I heard “can help your boat travel faster”, I think “rad, faster boats”, but that could also mean “can help your boat travel faster [when you’re nearby penguins and being in the boat doesn’t count]” or anything in between.
yeah, the crab is probably getting my vote. it seems like it’s the only one here that will be somewhat useful late game. wolves are already pretty useless in combat anyway and “faster boats” can really mean anything.
I’ve thought about it more, and I agree entirely. There are too many ways “faster boats” could be useless. Consider me crabpilled.
id imagine its basically just dolphin for boats
Throughout that video I kept expecting her to slowly lose grip on the pronunciation of penguin a la Benedict Cumberbatch