i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.

edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out

  • chaonaut@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ll be sure to remember that when, in the spirit of bipartisanship, Democrats vote to remove my husband’s access to HRT or revoke my cousins’ citizenship because one of their parents was an Arab immigrant.

    • Default_Defect@midwest.social
      4 months ago

      Whats your point? You would have felt better doing nothing at all? Guess we should all just sit down and give up because we got fucked over.

      • chaonaut@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Nah, I’ve been doing local organizing and worrying about more than just the top of the ticket, and even past the elections. I supported the Uncommitted movement and was hoping that Harris would actually capitalize on the moment she had when she took over, and, yeah, I cast my vote for her for all the good it did. It’s fucking sicking seeing so many sneer at the movement, and pat themselves on the back for having the moral superiority for voting for “the right person” while making so little of what is supposed to make them the right person happen. Being so unconcerned that the person they are so self congratulatory about was saying they would do the awful things and work with the awful people they’ve been saying are the greater of the two evils.

        Genuinely, why did the Democrats go so hard on the anti-immigration policy and cozy up with Liz “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage” Cheney? How were they expecting to sell people on the lesser of two evils when they were trying to become what they thought “moderate Republicans” would vote for? I’ve done this song and dance with the Dems for two decades now. I know they don’t value me, because they know I don’t have another option in the race, but how am I supposed to be excited myself, let alone campaign at others and get them excited for another round of getting sold out?

        • WoodScientist@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The problem with Democrats is that they see someone as evil as Trump, and their response isn’t, “damn, that is an evil man. We should put that man in prison.” Their reaction is, “damn. Look how evil that man is. Wait, this means we can get away with being incredibly evil ourselves! As long as we are slightly less corrupt and evil than him, we can shame people into voting for us!”

          They viewed Trump as an excuse for their own misbehavior rather more than anything else.

          • chaonaut@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            That hasn’t been my experience of Democrats so much as them using “at least we aren’t as bad a the Republicans” as justification for not pushing to stop harm, holding to the status quo as hard as they can and “courageously” voting with the Republicans to “save” something while dismantling something else. It seems like the lionizing of mediocrity.

      • chaonaut@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        With respect, I do not believe that you are describing me here. I have friends and family effected by several issues, and who–if not lamenting their lost loved one–are in fear of losing either their loved ones or their own life. I am indeed in what I consider (hope?) to be a relatively safe part of the US where my state may go as far as to protect my friends, family and self from what the incoming administration has already said it wishes to do to me and mine. I am trying very hard to ensure the people around me are safe, and I hope that these efforts bear fruit for my community.

        I worked to the very last moment of the election to encourage Harris to come out in support of the Palestinians and, to my growing horror as the election progressed, the other victims of the growing conflict. I even did the “harm reduction” of voting for Harris’ plan of gentle chastisement over the outright support and encouragement of Trump’s, for all the good that my vote did.

        I will not apologize for my family and friends continued survival and not yet having lost anyone to my knowledge, and will not wish it on them. I hope that you or your loved ones do not experience more loss, and have the space to recover as much as possible from that which you have already experienced. And may we all make it through the hate and violence that have been planned and that those that claimed to stand against it actually do so when it matters.

          • chaonaut@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I appreciate that they and their personal community is in pain at this moment, but I don’t think they were justified in calling me and mine cowardly and hopelessly sheltered because I personally live in relative safety and am struggling with the helplessness of being unable to make enough of an impact to my government was called for. I don’t want me and mine to go through such pain, but I am increasingly concerned that we will not be able to avoid it.