What is your favorite browser? Feel free to share why.
#Vivaldi #browser #Firefox #Edge #Chrome #Safari #Opera #Windows #Linux #macos #iOS #Android
What is your favorite browser? Feel free to share why.
#Vivaldi #browser #Firefox #Edge #Chrome #Safari #Opera #Windows #Linux #macos #iOS #Android
@jon@vivaldi.net Floorp or firedragon. They give me the customization. firedragon has the Librawolf privacy script implemented.  They both have the speed hacks implemented with the push of a button if that’s your thing. 
But at the end of the day, every single browser sucks so pick your poison. None of them are good. They either are gecko or blink with some sugar on top.
Yes, I know servo and LadyBird are coming, but they’re not here yet so they’re not part of the discussion